guess what!!! i got a sms just now!! and it is from… yea… my 2nd ex… hahahahaha… now i notice i have his number and name in my digi phone book!! wahahahahaha… and he is GAVIN!! but no last name there, so i still dont know… heheheh…
erm… well, things are strange, things that you appreciate, wont come to you but things that you dont appreciate, they always appear!! it’s like sometimes i still miss or think of somebody, maybe they already dont have me in their minds… just like while people still miss me but i already forgotten their names… somemore he asked me whether i still remember him… asking whether i can receive his sms or not coz he doesnt have my aussie contacts, the only way he can contact me is through my digi line… he even asked me to reply him… should i? but i dont think that i am going to reply… coz, i dont see a point to do so! or should i reply ‘i remember you, gavin mar, what’s your last name ar? but i dont miss you…’ no right… just leave it lar, and pretending that i didnt receive…
sometimes i wonder… is it that one will always remember the things that he or she cant get and never bother to remember the things that he or she doesnt want or doesnt like…
tonight i am happie… i have my cousin staying with me… =) i am not lonely… yea yea yea!!
5 replies on “YEA YEA YEA!!”
ahaahhaha.. u are damn lame !:)
wahahhahaha… i also cannot tahan myself lar weik… =P
what the hack were u talkin’ ? i cannt even get a single word u blog-ed!! plz forgive, if i too rude. soorie i just cannt stop it!!
U sounds kinda happy when receiving sms from ur ex…. err… why ar? =P
erm… laza… not happie lar… you gotta read my previous entry “i’m sick of myself” then you will understand…
and calvin… erm… sorrie for that… i cant help…