wah… heheheh… holy shiat!! i have just signed up with Fitness First… hahaha… i also dont know why… alamakzz… my money gone again… haiihhzzzz… hoping that i can really make full use of my membership ler…!!! hopefully…!! but i really like the aromatheraphy, steam and sauna… so nice!!! hehe, anyone out there wanna join me? =P
3 replies on “Fitness First…”
sure ends up wasting money!!!cxz u eat back wat u lost in da center!!!! i 1 month din go gym jo wastin money!!!no time man!!!somemore always saw my lecturer there!!!whahahahhaa…………
eh… it’s a one year contract leh~~~ have to go lar…!!
hahaa… i wonder that how fit can u keep .. lol… joking…