my 1st day of classes is so damn boring……and the lecturer start teaching straight away, is damn hard 2 listen at american slang….but at least i understand wat is he talking about…damn the slang, and i juz dun understand y my school need 3 outdoor stadium and 3 indoor stadium for…..and damn lots of hall which is not occupied!!!crazy american, and 2day in the student center, they got an activity which u pay 1 bucks then u got a big huge hammer 2 wheck a car….a used car ofcxz but it is consider a good condition car…..these few days keep on raining, cant see bikini gal anymore, sadass man….and in my class got no asian feel like i m allien in da class…damn….planning 2 get a gto over here…3000cc with twin turbo charged…hope my dad wont find out about thiz kakakakak………