ahahhahaha… yea… i am sick ler…!! not that kinda SICK… but… the pics will tell… hahaha…
hmm… but then just now while i was working, i really felt damn dizzy the whole night, coz of my heart…!! erm… i dont know if anyone here knows that my heart has a MINOR problem that it will pump VERY FAST in a sudden then i will feel dizzy… it doesnt make a big problem to me so far as i can just rest when this happens then later it will be ok…
but then just now, i was working, so that i couldnt rest, i had to be STRONG, dizzy for the whole night, coz i didnt take any rest, then had to move FAST somemore, coz really busy… and need to bent down then stand up again… i ALMOST fainted a few times… but i am stronger now =) when i was young… there was once that i really fainted in front of the clinic while my parents actually bringing me to the doctor… then when i got up, i saw myself on the bed in a room and with those electric cables on my body and there was a machine beside me… *scary*
okokok… let’s LAUGH at my SICKNESS… ahahhaha…
10 replies on “I am SO SO SO SICK!!”
You should sick more often!!! I like the “sick look”!!! hahaha!!! kidding kidding!! your heart got problem? what kind of problem? is it serious? does it need a transplant or something? *no kidding, serious*
NOT SO SERIOUS lar friend!! haha… i already stated there MINOR problem…!!!
well, i am sick of myself… hahaha… POSER =P
okay.. keep up with sick look!! so cute!!!
fainted~~~ ahhahaha…
do i really look CUTE!!!!!!
ahahahah… i thought of ACTING CUTE only wor… =P
hahaha.. oh then! die you POSER!!! argh !! But i don’t mind hahaha.. better than showing me “ghost face”
ghost face?she complain bout my pics the 1st time she saw it…sheesh..anyways…do regular exercise..n EAT! also do exercise ler…dun wanna get high cholesterol or something right?
take care kays?
huh… that wasnt your pic also… it was a ghost pic!! you moron!!
ericca show us your new pic please!! the one that no one can resist with the face of a “super hero” hahaha =p
pic show tat ur IQ back to primary school standard again……sydromdown????lol