
The Kiddo AUNTIE…

hmmm… for some reason, i have shown my mommie one same thing for 3 times and she still managed to see WRONGLY and thus she got the same error for 3 times… and finally she found that she actually missed out ONE letter “L”… so then the war started…

. : e R i C C a : . * 倒数3个月 – StarDee + DieT * lele the lele is the lele lele… says:
you cock eye ar!!!

AnnChin says:
so rude!!!!

. : e R i C C a : . * 倒数3个月 – StarDee + DieT * lele the lele is the lele lele… says:

. : e R i C C a : . * 倒数3个月 – StarDee + DieT * lele the lele is the lele lele… says:
ape then?

. : e R i C C a : . * 倒数3个月 – StarDee + DieT * lele the lele is the lele lele… says:
i typed 3 times edi also you can see wrongly…

AnnChin says:
see…told u to be a bit lady like lah

. : e R i C C a : . * 倒数3个月 – StarDee + DieT * lele the lele is the lele lele… says:
not cock eye then what?

AnnChin says:
*showing sad emoticon* :(

. : e R i C C a : . * 倒数3个月 – StarDee + DieT * lele the lele is the lele lele… says:

. : e R i C C a : . * 倒数3个月 – StarDee + DieT * lele the lele is the lele lele… says:
ok dont be sad…

. : e R i C C a : . * 倒数3个月 – StarDee + DieT * lele the lele is the lele lele… says:
come i buy you chocolate

AnnChin says:
ok ………….. *show smiling emoticon*

PUHLEASE… can anyone tell me how old is my mommie ar…?

2 replies on “The Kiddo AUNTIE…”

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