ma de!! remember the BIATCHIE MANAGER? she is really damn CHEAP weik!! i saw her stealing money!! she stole our TIPS!! my godzzzzzzz… few bucks also wanna steal… somemore she is already 44 years old! OH MY GOD… wanna bluff our tips money… yer… beh tahan man!! usually we share all the tips money, but i saw her keeping some of the tips for herself… aiskkzzz… what the fark man~~~~~!!
and yea, finally i already got approval from my corp law lecturer that i can do it in metropolitan… but… the problem that i am facing is… i have a ticket… but no seat for me to go back lar… *HELP*… i need a private jet to send me back… faster faster!! =(
5 replies on “ANGRIEEEE~~”
no seat see they can upgrade you to sit business class back or not 😛
you slow slow dream lar
She’s actually keeping the tips for you all. haha.
nah… dream lar you… she kept everything in her pocket… we usually put our tips in a container to share one…
yay ~~~ u are coming back !!!
happiee !!!