

today i had a… erm… kinda abnormal yumcha session with some abnormal people and abnormal connection…

firstly, this lenglui SKY asked me to go yumcha… then at the same time was talking to saihoe on msn… and told him about it… once he heard LENGLUI… he immediately said that he wanna join… then my brothers also wanna join… so 5 of us, while i know all of them but they didnt know each other… *weird*

when we reached kiven’s corner, started off with an introduction… who knows, they found that SKY and saihoe actually from the same secondary school!! then they started to talk about their friends… me and my brothers were like listeners… after some time, they talked about this guy, ANSON… and then… my brothers went like ‘eh i know him also’… i was like *WTF*… then it’s my turn to be the only STONER… *grrrrrrrrrrrrr* what a small world…

then when they found out that actually anson was at steven’s corner, then we moved from kiven’s to steven’s… the table got so weird… like…

SKY –> anson –> ex lovers
brothers –> anson –> basketball friends
saihoe –> anson –> car racing friends
me –> anson –> no relationship

SKY –> brothers –> saihoe –> no relationship

ok… it got even more weird when… the table left me and sky continue chatting… while… my brothers and saihoe went for snoker!! *WTF* so friend edi one!! dengzzzzzzzz… then also on the way back… i got kicked to sit at the back seat… *GRRRRRRRRRRRRR*

this is the lesson… i am not bringing my brothers out anymore!!

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