
1st Month

oh well, i dont know how many couple out there actually celebrate their monthly anniversary or some special day like the 10th day, the 100th day, the 143th day, the 999th day… blablabla…

but me, i was taught by my EX that we should celebrate all these lil anniversaries and make them great memories… and so, i thought it’s a must to do so… as i think it’s a great idea though, creating some lil surprises and spice up the relationship at the same time…

sadly, i am seeing a guy who doesnt care about this… he thinks that it’s not important at all… he will only celebrate the YEARLY anniversary and that’s all… *bangwall*

yesterday, he had dinner with his friend but me… i had nothing to eat… i had to go home to eat alone… on the 1st month anniversary! and when i talked to him, he went like ‘oh, was it today?’ *pengsan*


anyway, i am trying to learn how to give and take… how to accept him for who he is… and also accepting the fact that he is a guy who will never spoil me!! *grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* isnt it sad?


Likes Vs Dislikes…

hmmmm… i think i kinda like AND dislike my life lately… *HAHAHHA* sounds lame…

every morning when i wake up at freaking 7am, only one thought comes to my mind… ‘I THINK I AM SICK TODAY‘… the reason why is because, i can continue my sweet sleep IF and ONLY IF, i am sick and need not to wake up to go to work… but, too bad, i am so healthy most of the days… although i have been kinda WEAK lately… i never got sick for more than 3 times in a year last time… but, it’s different now… maybe my body knows that i am now working for an ASIAN BOSS, and i need to be sick to get a day off… *grinz*

but when i am at work, i feel happy… i love my customers… i love my workmates… they are just too fun to be with… time flies… and ONE MORE THING, i have something to hope for when i am at work… what do you think? HOPING TO FINISH WORK LAR OF COURSE!! so that i can go home, rest, and see babyben… hmmm… isnt my life getting more wonderful? i would say YES… at least, it’s a meaningful life that i have hopes, i have likes and dislikes, and i am also doing something more meaningful than sleeping and watching tvb 24/7… i have a feeling that I AM AN ADULT now… =P

another thing is… i am a HAPPY girl…



my PINKIE lil Mr. Greedy… thankx to babyben… *muacks*

my new OROTON purse… thankx to teri jiejie… *hugz*



it’s really true that different people have their very own way of thinkings and what they want… and it’s damn farking hard when you are in between of them, dont know what to do… that is driving me nuts!!!

there are always some people that are important in life… such as family, friends, partner… as well as some people that are always be with you, like housemates… and when these people want you to do DIFFERENT things at the SAME time, you know that you are in trouble!! i believe there wont be a solution that you can make everyone happy… you have to make them both happy and you yourself suffering from both pains, or you will have to make them both upset, or you shall just ignore…

beside that, you might have to do something which you really hate to do… MEASURING who is more important… take 1 and leave 1… i really dont want to… being a piscean, it’s a big project for me to make a decision, even as small as deciding what to eat for lunch… and now, i am trapped in this idiot problem solving thingie… *madness*

maybe… i should live in an isolated island… i have problem dealing with people…


Sick AGAIN!!

damn man… i am sick again!! *grrrrrrrrrrrr* woke up with gastric… thought of rest for a while then it would be ok, so then i called up my boss to tell him that i would be there late… who knows… later on i had fever and diarrhoea too… *wtf* couldnt go to work lor… aissskkkzzzz…

i spent my day sleeping on the bed rolled up like a prawn… i couldnt even pull my body straight because of the gastric… *grrrrrrrrrrr*

DAMN!! why these days always sick one!! *deng* all the while i had been very healthy one wor… =( MAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~ i wanna go home!! i want my mommie!!!!! *sobsob*



hmmmm… dont know why, i dont like to use this term BOYFRIEND for my own boy… since my very first boy… i prefer to refer him as MY BOY than MY BOYFRIEND… or what i use most of the time is just MY FRIEND… dont ask me why, i just dont like to so wanna mention it to everyone… they will know when they are meant to know it…

maybe i FOUND that… bad things happen when i wanna make any relationship work… just like now… it has just started… and bad things just happened in the house, people are unhappy… and… sometimes, i just cant stop telling myself that these changes are happening because of HIM… and… i also cant stop losing trust in him… been asking myself, was that a wrong decision that i had made… oh well… let’s see how things go…

anyway, it was a boring working day again… and thus, the bored ericca did something stupid again… this time, it’s bunnie + chickie on my head… HAHHAHAHAHAHA… yea, i enjoy being a joker… *whatever* and i finished work at 2pm… finally, really FINALLY one day that i can have a good walk on chapel st… usually i start work when the shops are still closed and finish work when the shops are already closed too!! *sadzzz* but today i did a good shopping though… bought myself some yummilicious tops… and also some easter eggs and bunnies for the coming easter… i spent more than 100bucks in just 2 hours time buying small lil cheapo things… and so, i had so much to carry… luckily that i need not to carry them all the way home… i had HIM to pick me up… =)

the joker of the day… =P

my boy and me =)


BUSY life…

been wondering… where and when is MY time now… i dont even have enough time to chat on msn with my mom… i dont even have enough time to COMMUNICATE with my housemates… i dont even have time for myself to blog, to do my very own things… 80% of my time has been dedicated to Better Choice and Benedict Lim…

but, maybe this is good too… as in… i dont have much time to do nonsense things, waste money… and most importantly a healthier lifestyle i am having now… i sleep earlier compared to the OLD ME, just because that i need to wake up early at dumb ass 7am to get ready to go to work at 9am… and of course, i dont have much energy to stay up late after one whole day of 10 freaking hours of work too…

the new OWNERS of ericca

Better Choice

Benedict Lim



i am confused… RELATIONSHIP, i want, i dont want… i dont know whether i want it or not… wanting it will spoil my plan, will change my lifestyle… i am actually kinda happy with my single lifestyle… free and easy… at least, i can make any decision considering one person less… no need to worry about one more person’s feeling… sounds not bad huh…

MAYBE, it’s good to have a companion… have someone to be with, hugs and kisses… i mean, a casual one, without commitment might be good… but, this is being really selfish when you are the one who wanna go casual while the other party wants a serious relationship…

i think, i am tired of commitment, tired of expectations, tired of disappointments, tired of relationship.

confusion… man… this is tough…


I’m Sick!!

isssshhh… finally i am sick again after so long… was supposed to start working at 9am… but when i woke up at 645am, i felt really cold and no energy to get up so i thought of sleeping for a while more… who knows, when i next opened my eyes, already 856am… cool huh… so i called up my boss saying that i would be on sick leave today…

been sleeping for half a day… i did some laundry, changed my bedsheets too… at least, i did something meaningful instead of just sleeping at home… beside that, i too finally have the chance to go on MSN to chat online with my friends and my mom too… really DAMN LONG didnt chat on MSN already…

damn… i have to go to work tomorrow… but i still feel cold at the moment…!! *DIE*


Lack of Time…

wow… been really long since i last online… really busy with work recently… been working too much and too tired… lazy all the time…

and also… with SOMETHING ELSE… the dramatic story… too many things happened in just few days…

roger the boss had a talk with me last morning… and it made me tearing… i really thought of quiting… he said that i am really SLOW, as in no improvement after 2 weeks of training and all… but he wanna make me stay because the customers like me… customers told him that i am nice, sweet and patient… that sounds not too bad… but he doesnt like me because i am slow, lazy and PLAYFUL… he wants me to be more serious at work… i said nothing, all i did was looking down, tearing, and nodding… oh well, i kept thinking whether i should quit or not…

after work, i made a call to sabrina telling her all these… guess what, she told me that roger has been telling EVERYONE the same thing!! *WTF* it’s his TRICK to make his employees work harder eh… ishhhhhhhhhh… lame!