
Feeling Lucky…


heehehehehe… yean is my coursemate, she is so freaking nice, because she left her group to pair up with me for our assignment… damn, farking nice!! *muacks*

i was actually kinda panic, that i would have to do the GROUP assignment all alone by myself while all other people already in a group of 4!! i was searching high and low for at least ONE group member so that i could do less work… who knows, nobody wants me… *sobsob* =( and suddenly, YEAN so nice, she told me that she would leave her group of 4 people to join me!!! WOW!!! *hugzzzzzzzz* and yea, so now i am trying my best to finish the assignment earlier and i am also doing most of the parts of the assignment… to thank her for joining me lor… *hehehehehe*

well… it’s time to start my revision after the assignment already…

and also, finally i registered myself for IELTS in VICTORIA and very luckily that it’s in MELBOURNE too… thank god man… that i need not to go to freaking NSW, or WA, or QLD to sit for the test… what a waste of time and MONEY for air ticket… i am feeling so lucky, and i was the last 2 candidates for the 8th july’s test… *happie*

good luck~~~~


—- Pictures update —-

HAHAHAH… sleeping piggie in my piggie pyjamas… *grinz*

my new hairstyle… kekekekekee…

weeeeeeheeeeeeeee… the hoodie couple… =P

3 replies on “Feeling Lucky…”

wahsai the 2nd pic look very cute ler.. you somehow look a bit like Chun Lee… hehe glad to hear that things turned out to be fine for you 🙂

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