happy 22nd birthday my darling… *muacks*
hmmm… guess what am i doing while typing out this entry? i am actually baking your stupid cake lar!! aiseh… memang stressed man baking a cake… bought everything then only i noticed we dont have electric mixer at home, thus i had to use my BOTH HANDS to hold 4 chopsticks together to mix it… wahlaoo…
alright fine… everything is done and it’s BAKING time… and guess what again… damn, HOW THE HECK TO USE THIS FREAKING OVEN!! *pengsan* i called up YEAN, she couldnt help as the oven is different from hers… and i had to webcam with my mom to show her my oven and HOPING that she could help… but too bad, my mom is as dumb as me XD oh anyway, finally i found out how to use it… *yeay*
and that’s why i am typing this entry while waiting for the cake to be done… =) and please PRAY for the cake to be edible… HAHAHHAHA… darling, my FIRST TIME has given to you, you must be responsible for it ar… *shyshy* oh by the way, even if it’s not edible, it still can HOLD candles and you can blow the candles as well as making a wish with the cake… =) so it wont be that bad afterall… *grinz*
wokie wokie… darling, after all the fights and things… and also the busy schedule, we havent got much time to talk to each other…
ooooopppssss… accident happened at this time… I SMELLED BURNT!! isssshhh… the cake was burnt!! AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH… and damn so smoky and the smoke alarm was activated and damn i dont know how to off it… DIE DIE DIE… all i did was using a cloth to fan away the smoke… SCARYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY~~ nvm nvm, i took away the burnt part and continued baking… HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH… and my mom is still watching the whole process… man… embarrassing… =(
wokie wokie… continue typing to my darling… HEHE… nothing much… I LOVE YOU, good luck in exams, good luck in finding cute guys, good luck in life, good luck in EVERYTHING… *muacks*

and i think… when you are viewing this, we are all around you… =) hope that you are enjoying all these by us… and… my SPECIAL PRESENT oh~~~