well… no story… i have nothing… i am all back to ZERO, or maybe negative…
i am supposed to live in a cave… or an island…
or i shouldnt be alive…
well… no story… i have nothing… i am all back to ZERO, or maybe negative…
i am supposed to live in a cave… or an island…
or i shouldnt be alive…
yes, i KO-ed…
basically, i am on a CHOCOLATE DIET recently… yes, i eat chocolate to diet… well, it works for sure… i eat chocolate when i feel hungry and chocolate will keep me feeling full… dont think that you will over eating it because after some time you will feel SICK of it and dont feel like eating anymore… that’s very good…
but the downside is… damn, i dont drink enough of water… that makes me VERY HEATY NOW!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr… i have a sore throat, 3 ulcers, cough, running nose and fever…
erm… i cant blame all on my lovely chocolate, because… i THOUGHT the prawn crackers were so yummilicious looking… and they only cost AUD1.50!! so i bought and i ate it… YUMMY!!!!!!!
next, yean’s place had a BBQ dinner using our CONTRIBUTION *the contribution is contributed by mahjong’s players, everytime you BAO, you have to contribute 20cents into it* and yea, they had yummy prawns, yummy clams, yummy fishes, yummy pork ribs, yummy chicken wings… and i ate them as well…
and now… i am sitting at home typing this entry and i think i will be at home tomorrow too… i cant even talk properly now, i dont think that i can go to work… i am afraid that no customer can understand me… or maybe they will run away when a girl talking with VERY MANLY VOICE…
and i am happy that i can watch TVB happily now… i think i am going to finish whole series of 肥田喜事 by today…
when i told my mom on msn that i was going to watch tvb and didnt want to talk to her… she replied…
AnnChin says:
ma lou…… SLEEP!!!!
. : e R i C C a : . says:
wah very IN ar you
. : e R i C C a : . says:
know how to say MA LOU!!
MALAYSIANS, there is something worth reading…
after reading Drliew’s blog about this article Berdikari, i went to TheAge.com.au to look for the article While Malaysia fiddles, its opportunities are running dry… after that, i clicked on to Michael Backman’s website and found another article about Malaysia again… http://www.michaelbackman.com/Malaysia.html…
i have to admit… he is so right… and malaysians, WAKE UP!!!
i was browsing in bi lo today while waiting for babybendan to pick me up after work… and i went to the check out area looking for a queue to line up… suddenly i saw this lil section looking interesting… i went closer to take a look…
OMG!! it’s a DIY cash register!! so cool!! what you do is scan the barcode of your stuffs, then put them into the bags provided, then touch the screen to tell the machine whether you paying by cash or card, then… “ASK FOR ASSISTANCE”… then this lady came over to help me, she moved my stuffs to place on top of a sensor situated UNDER the bag… and then it started to work again!! OOORRRHHHH… i didnt get the sensor working as i thought i didnt need a bag so i didnt put my stuffs into the bag and it didnt get that sensor activated so my checkout process got into trouble!! WOWWWWWWWWWW… isnt it SO DAMN COOL!!! and i continued, i touched the CASH button and paid my money then it gave me back my change too…
but i wonder… if i am paying by credit card… so nobody is going to verify my signature… and… i can commit a credit card fraud?
p/s: i am sorry that i sound like a dumbarse… but seriously, i havent seen this kinda smart checkout before… so i am so out… ishhh…
yes… i even took a picture of it… damn 38… but SO WHAT, I LIKE AR!! and also accidentally took a picture of the HAMSUP uncle at the back who kept looking at me and smiling at me before/in/after BI LO…
i think i might be too innocent… or too dumb to ask such a question… i seriously have no idea what is a relationship… and why does it exist… and what should we do in a relationship…
i also have no idea how and why does a relationship get started… as well as how and why does a relationship last… and also… how and why does a relationship end…
people might just tell me… we love each other, so we are together… we still love each other, so we are still together… and one day, we dont love each other, so we are apart… is it supposed to be so simple?
but… there are also examples that… we dont know IF we love each other, but we are together… we dont know IF we STILL love each other, but we are STILL together… and also… we DONT love each other, but we are STILL together…
so… what is it actually?
SO BUSY!! been working like a dog these few days… people think that i am a workaholic… but in fact… i am FORCED to be one…
thanks to those BLARDEE STUDENTS *eherm, i am not a student anymore* having exams, and so i have to take over their shifts… grrrrrrrrrrr… and while i work more days at phone stop to replace STUDENTS, i dont have time to work for smoke zone… and then smoke zone boss not happy, so i have to sacrifice my SATURDAY to work for him as well… OH MA… 6 days a week… tiring~~~~~
sunday, my rest day… BUT who knows… some happening people wanna go FISHING!!! there goes my rest day… i think i am preparing to hide under the shades… i dont want to be BBQ piggie… =(
and since i have been working so much… hopefully that i can get myself some LIL presents to make myself happy… heheheheh… with my hard-earned money… so there i come up with my I-WANT-LIST!! =)
oh yea… introducing my new friend… PUFFY!! ehehehehe… thanks to babybendan *muacks*
*yeay* babybendan is also a graduate!!! =)
ok… more pics… taken in a photo studio called PhotoPlus on Swanston St…
okie okie… time’s up again… HAHAHAHHAHAA… =P
well… after long long time… finally… the first part of the pictures update is now HERE HERE HERE!!
now… introducing the GROUP pictures…
ok… sekian terima kasih… very sleepy now… see you next round…
wow… sorrie sorrie sorrie for the delay… hehehehehe… there will be LOTS of stories and LOTS LOTS LOTS of pichas coming soon… kekekekeke… and dont again and again asking for pics ok… =P
very busy lately… have no time to sort things out… my family leaving tomorrow already… hopefully there will be A LIL more time for myself… BUT… i think i will be working like a dog… damn…