*yeay* i received a CHRISTMAS CARD!!! omg… been ages since my last received a REAL christmas card!! yes, not E-christmas card ok…
to WHOM it may concern,
thanks for the card… and it was a SURPRISE, i am serious… i was looking at the envolope thinking… who was it… writing my name in FULL, and who has my address, and whose handwriting was TERRIBLE!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA…
hmmm… i dont like the way you said it… 升华 your head… i rather it to be downgraded again to the way we used to be… maybe to you it’s 升华… but to me… it’s YOU DONT EVEN WANT TO BOTHER ME!!! everytime i wanna talk to you, but you are either not free or… whatsoever reasons they are… or maybe DISTANCE is a problem too…
anyway, at least i am glad that we are still in a good relationship, i guess… or just like what you said… 升华…