Bitching is a FUN activity… I’m sure MANY enjoy doing it, especially GIRLS… Yes, I LOVE IT, I’m a typical girl…
I find it happy and interesting, yes, I classify myself as a 8-poh… I 8 about things that I know, or REAL… And, of course, if I bitch about others, I deserve to get bitched in return… I deserve the treatment if whatever you bitch about is true… I have the GUTS to admit it… I’m all ready to be bitched about, because I’m a normal human being, who does wrong things, and have bad attitudes…
But, if you are bitching about something which is not true… Then, we call it MAKING UP stories… Sometimes, making up stories is not easy, you need to be SMART enough to do it and cover it up… But, if you can’t… We call it LOSER!! WHY? First, you don’t even have the courage to admit yourself, no wonder people look down on you… Second, You can’t even cover it up till bursting your own bubbles… This is what we call DUMB… But, if you are still wondering what has gone wrong or what accident has happened, let me know, I’m willing to point it out to you… But, let me POINT AT YOU AND LAUGH AT YOU first…
It’s ok if you like to make up stories to make yourself LOOK better *Look only, in fact not*, and feel like winning… Just want to feel SYIOK SENDIRI… Then it’s up to you… Because this is too LOW CLASS to win… We tell truth to win… We don’t have to fake it up…