I am not sure about other people, but I like to look at FACE first, then only BODY… But I will definately not MIX them up together… As in, I will say PRETTY BUT FAT, or NICE BODY BUT NOT PRETTY…
But, recently, I was told that GUYS prefer a nice body than a pretty face… They will give positive comment on a GIRL overall when she has a nice body but not pretty at all… This is how I always FIGHT with some of them!!
When I say PRETTY, they say NO, because the body not nice, then I would say I SAID PRETTY NOT NICE BODY!! I just don’t understand, can’t you just make it CLEARLY, not MIXING UP? Then when the body is nice and the face is not nice then they will say HOT!! When I look at the face, I was like OMG, WTF!!
I am not sure ALL GUYS think like that or only some certain guys… I just DON’T AGREE!!
6 replies on “Body or Face…”
haha, one of my friend was telling me : cover the face and fuck the base. Well, pretty means pretty, hot bod means hot bod, it’s 2 different things. Im agree with you.
LoL, remind me to tell you something about this post you made in MSN jie.
and the worst part is, they simply dont appreciate fashion. They dun care of the style u wear – it only matters whether u expose the skins they love. -_-
well, guys get turned on by the curvature.. the face can’t turn on anyone unless the lady is a slut who poses horny / slutty look 24/7. but a body, it’s that by nature.. which by nature it turns guys on..so its very didfferent you know..
but for me, i’d go for looks before anything else.. but i would prefer a normal look with normal body 😛
balance is the essence.
so is “that fruit” balance?