It was Jaslyn’s birthday last TUESDAY, since I couldn’t make it on Tuesday, so I made her a PRE-birthday surprise… I told her that I wouldn’t celebrate with her on a weekday, so we went to have a LIL celebration on Friday’s night…
I got her this SLICE of cake with FULL of candles…
Then, on Saturday, all of us PAKAT-ed to give her a surprise, as I decided to cook her Bak Kut Teh and jelly as promised before. So, Suyin *Jaslyn’s housemate* made a duplicate key for us, so that we could go to their house while she brought Jaslyn out to shopping.
Meanwhile, we went to her house to cook and get things ready. Also, the most important scene –> To mess up the house and to make it look like got theft… We got Suyin to bring her back when everything was ready, then we ran out of the house with the door half opened… And… TADA!! MISSION SUCCESSFUL!! But, she was not worried about her laptop gone missing, as she bought home content insurance… And, the first thing she went looking for was her LV and GUCCI bags, which we didn’t hide… *grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*
By the way, it was a great fun doing such things, making our boring working life a lil bit more exciting…
Most beautiful cake that I have ever seen…
The girls…
The Bak Kut Teh…
Happy people with food…
Audrey and I, happy girls with butterflies…
The housemates *Suyin + Jaslyn* and ME the background =P