I need some serious MASSAGE!! I have no idea why my body is feeling WEIRD nowadays. It is not painful, but… Just like ‘waist-sour-back-pain’… Am I getting old?
I guess I am just too hardworking, or maybe I have been sitting too much. Well, basically I just sit on my desk looking at the computer screen while I am at work. I walk when I go to the office, go to the kitchen, go to the toilet and out of the office.
I am going to the SPA!! My body needs to be PAMPERED once in a while, together with some HOT female bodies!! *yeay* SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY!! SPA SPA SPA!!
3 replies on “SPA SPA SPA…”
wow, can I join u?
noway BOY!
i have never been to a spa. but i am planning to have an original thai massage VERY soon. hehe… and enjoy urself girl.