Couldn’t recall when was the last time I made a trip back to my primary school, SRJK(C) Lai Meng. Well, I finally went back yesterday…
It was good, with the familiar environment, and A FEW teachers who still think that I look familiar to them… But sadly NONE remember my NAME!!! At least, I am sure that they remember me by remembering my stories in the past… Especially my Standard 6 class teacher kept telling everyone that I was the naughtiest girl in the class, and also that my mom looks like one of the Hong Kong actresses which she has been saying about it for more than 10 years… *Which I think it’s not true*…
Most of the things have changed, the buildings, the canteen, the classrooms, the people… But one thing still remains the same… That I still don’t dare to go to the toilet… For the reason that the toilet situated BESIDE a graveyard…
The good old days…