Weeeeeeeeeheeeeeeeee… After missing in action for a while, I hope people in KL did miss me for a moment… KEKEKEKKEKEKEKE…
Finally back from my 7 days Shanghai trip, yes, it wasn’t planned at all, it was a so steady trip without planning, decided on that day then went to get the visa done on the next day and then packed a lil the day before departure… There I arrived in LCC Terminal and ready for HangZhou flight…
So damn much walking, so-so amount of shopping, A LOT OF BODY FATS GAINED… Concluded my trip…
Thanks to people that involved, Eson, Nico, Jun, WeiWei and YanZi… Thanks for the joy and fun and most importantly being the lovely tour guides…
Will try to steal some pictures to show off… =)
One reply on “Back in Town…”
sexy body fats you mean :P~~~~