

*PRAYING SO HARD* Please, can someone please come to Tetsuya with me? =(

I really want to go there at least ONCE IN MY LIFETIME!! And especially I am now in AUSTRALIA and how can I miss out the chance to have the Australia’s TOP 1 restaurant?!! And also the WORLD’S TOP 9!!



Taste of Melbourne…

Was so excited when I got to know about this event, because it’s all about FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!! And I went through this big HASSLE to get someone to go with me, it’s all the STUPID BABY’s FAULT, because he is always not around!! =P Apparently it was pretty hard to get someone to go unless someone is really into FOOD like me, as it was pretty expensive, the entry ticket 25bucks, then you still gotta pay for the food and drinks… AH WELL, finally I got this FAT Claudia Phui Yean Loo to go with me!! Yes, she was the one admitted to hospital recently, and now she is ABSOLUTELY FINE!! In fact, she lost some weight and now it’s time to gain back… =P

Oh, she brought along a friend too, and she is Claudia Teh… HAHHAHAHAHA… Don’t play play, she is a full time actress, a part time pharmacist!! She is SO TALENTED, that she is very good with her studies, while she also did courses to learn how to dance, sing, compose songs, act… But not tidying up… =P


Our first dish, Glass noodle salad with Crystal Bay prawns chilli jam, peanuts & mint. From Longrain, 10 bucks.

Yellow curry of Barossa chicken with cucumber relish. From Longrain, 12bucks. *We forgot to take a picture before eating, so…*

Loopy was too excited with her favourite cod fish from Nobu and feeling the orgasm with her dildo on her right hand, and so we forgot to take a picture of the fish!!

THEN, we got Claudia Teh to BORROW the fish from some random stranger just to take a picture!! HAHHHAHAHHAHA… Black Cod: Nobu’s signature dish. From Nobu, 16bucks. *SO EXPENSIVE*

Slow cooked pork belly ‘Nan Ban Zuke’, shiitake and seaweed. From Verge, 10bucks.

Pork sausage with chilli and garlic on caponata di melanzane (a Sicilian eggplant relish). From Fifteen, 10bucks.

OH MY FAVOURITE!! Slow cooked Sher Wagyu, braised meat pie, truffled coleslaw, licorice spiced pumpkin. From Circa, The Prince, 10bucks.

Cheesecake, crispy brik pastry, poached rhubarb, toasted barley froth. From Circa, The Prince, 8bucks.

Vanilla Tapioca pudding with lychees & jackfruit. From Longrain, 8bucks.

NOW THE PEOPLE… Thanks for the fun!!

Claudia Teh and I…

Claudia Loo and Claudia Teh…

Loopy and I…


Being AH 4 holding everything…

Also, they like my BUM so much…

Total damanage of the day:
Loopy and I shared most of the dishes, while Claudia Teh was having her own fun by herself… We spent 70bucks per person… Not that bad considering that we had the chance to try out different food from different restaurants in one go!!




YEAY!! I won a GOLD MEDAL for my Brazil team in this BOWLING EVENT today!!! Apparently they already had the balloon race yesterday while I was still in Sydney… But it’s even better, as at least bowling is easier than balloon race… HAHAHHAHAHAHA…

It was just those KIDS BOWLING SET… =P

Wondering how does my GOLD MEDAL look like?

HEHE, a breakfast!!

I am happy~

Well, Sydney was good, I love the fish market, the sashimi, oysters, lobsters, crabs, king prawns… And the LINDT CAFE too!!! The LINDT HOT LAVA CAKE!! OMG OMG OMG OMG… SUPERB!!



OMG OMG OMG, I am getting so excited that I am going to Sydney tomorrow with Suin and her friend!! It is a last minute plan that I actually asked for 3 days off from work on FRIDAY!! That was really really a last minute thing!

But it was a hard decision to make as I was supposed to participate in the basketball on Monday for the Brazil team… Yes, we are having a Private Wealth Management Olympic 2008 at work, and I am in the Brazil team… I had been waiting for the basketball event…

Well, I think Sydney should be more fun than that… At least, I will be back on Thursday for the BALLOON RACE!! That should be even more fun!!! I am so looking forward to it!!

How I wished that Suin and her friend could go to Sydney next week or so… But her friend is just a TOURIST and has to go back next week already… Just love going to work, so much fun… Even that I had to think THRICE for my holidays, it proves that working is as fun as holidaying… =P


When Are You Getting Married?

I somehow wonder am I getting too old, that “When are you getting married?” has recently been the most famous question that I have been asked!!

And there quite a few couples that I know are getting married… Is it the AGE already? Being 25? Isn’t it too early?

Well, I seriously have no idea when is mine, and not even sure if I really want to get married afterall… Marriage is just like another CERTIFICATE to me… Why do we need to GET MARRIED while we can live like a married couple but without the CERTIFICATE? And most importantly too much hassle…

I was told that I would understand this later… Maybe I am not quite there yet then…


Let’s Sing K…

HAHAHAHHAHA… Phui Yean is now awake… And she is recovering pretty good… She can now wave her hand for BYEBYE, she can now show her tongue for BLEK like this =P… So it’s all good…

Thanks for the prayers people!!!


Please Bless Phui Yean…

Please bless our dear friend Claudia Loo Phui Yean…

Her condition is very critical, she is in coma under supervision in ICU, with the doctor suspecting that she is suffering from meningococcal disease… More information about this rare disease at

She has always been the fun girl, the smart one, the pretty one… Hopefully she will be the same again very soon…

Loopy, please wake up!!


A Dinner…

OK I finally decided to have a dinner with Mr. H v2… Considering that it’s not good to keep turning people down especially someone that you see everyday at work… OMG the more I am in touch with this person the more he reminds me of Mr. H v1, the look, the personality…

But well, maybe it’s me or maybe it’s him or maybe the feeling just so WEIRD when meeting a workmate AFTER WORK… It’s like…? WRONG!! I so wanted to start the office gossips, and work related topics with him, but then HEY it’s AFTER WORK and it’s FRIDAY’S NIGHT anyway… So IT IS WEIRD!! You are facing someone that you should be talking about something, but a wrong timing… HOLY WEIRD!!

And I think I wasn’t impressed by his not-so-good direction… As well as his so-adventurous dirving…

Maybe I still prefer to spend my Friday’s night at home lazing on my cozy little bed…