
Bad Day…

What a bad day I had today!!

First, was that I FORGOT that I was wearing this THIN white dress that is KIND OF see through, so I forgot to wear WHITE UNDERWEARS!!! In fact, I wore black bras + red undies… And the worst thing was, I didn’t realise it till a work mate told me that my dress was very transparent… And indeed it was!! *WTF*

Then my dear cousin was telling me that she had no keys to go home after work, so then I went home straight after work in order to be at home to get her the door… When I arrived at the lobby, I realised that I LEFT MY FREAKING KEYS AT WORK!!! *TAMADE* And it was raining!!! Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… So in the end, I had to get Loopy to drive me back to work to get my keys… And I was lucky that there was still someone in the office that could open the door for me… Else… Not gonna imagine that…

Oh, and then, we headed to IBUKI again for dinner, this is my 2nd time to IBUKI in 2 months’ time… It is a great place to have Japanese food!! So fresh and so much till you will never finish everything!! This is in a HOUSE in East Bentleigh, minimum booking for 10 people, 60bucks per person, and you get to eat SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!! It’s good for first timer, but for me, it’s just too much, and kinda sick of it afterall… Especially when I AM ON A DIET!!!!

Ish… It’s Reductil + bread day tomorrow!!! Lose weight lose weight lose weight!!


The Safest Place…

It must be HOME!!

The place where you can have no worries… You won’t be afraid that someone will leave you alone, or bully you… You can be as annoying as you want, yet they still treat you as their beloved one…

I need to go home, I want my protection…

19 days… I will be home… The safest place on earth…


Stupid Apple…

Or stupid ME?

Well, I have never seen or heard that APPLE CAN CUT one lor, seriously!! And, I saw and experienced it today!! I don’t usually like to eat apples, but I was too hungry today and I had to eat something, there were some apples in the fruit box, so I took one of them and started eating… It was so not yummy at all!! The skin was so thick, but, I couldn’t complain much, as that was the only food I could find in the office!!

After a while, my tongue was hurting!! I thought it was just a small cut that I couldn’t be bothered… But, when I saw it in the mirror, no, it wasn’t SMALL!! I saw blood coming out from that cut!! My tissue became RED in color after a few wipes, but it was still bleeding!! WTF!!

I was told that the correct ADJECTIVE to this was: CLASSIC… *niabeh*

Anyway, 23 days to go… =)


4 More Weeks…

Exactly 4 more weeks to go, 28 days… But, I am still thinking about WHO going to pick me option…

It’s been a while that this question been running in my mind…

After much thought, I guess, I will still stick to the most traditional way, MY FAMILY… Although this might not be the option that I am HOPING for… As for the sake of SAFETY, I guess I am not ready to risk… According to the law of investment, high risk high return, so, I might not get the high return in the end…

After a discussion with Chandler today, we found that this is actually related to a poker game, I am like having pocket Aces, should I go ALL-IN or should I wait for the flop…

Well, it is still hard for me to make up my mind, there are still 2 weeks for me to actually make the decision anyway… As I know myself, I change 24/7… Will see…


你總說時間還很多 你可以等我
以前我不懂得 未必明天就有以後

想念是會呼吸的痛 它活在我身上所有角落
哼你愛的歌會痛 看你的信會痛

遺憾是會呼吸的痛 它流在血液中來回滾動
後悔不貼心會痛 恨不懂你會痛


怎麼了 妳累了 說好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不說了 愛淡了 夢遠了
開心與不開心一一細數著 妳再不捨
那些愛過的感覺都太深刻 我都還記得

妳不等了 說好的 幸福呢
我錯了 淚乾了 放手了 後悔了
只是回憶的音樂盒還旋轉著 要怎麼停呢


Happy Saturday…

Hmmm… Yes, finally I got myself a happy Saturday after so long!! And I attended FIRST non-relative wedding in my life!! Went to Rebecca’s wedding, she is my ex-colleague from Macquarie… Luna and I went together, and apparently, we were like the representatives from Macquarie, as nobody went beside us two!!

Then, after that, went to Safeway to get some ingredients for making cheese cake to bring to Toung’s house warming… Really in a hurry, I rushed everything like mad!! And, I didn’t even get a chance to get changed, hence the one look for all day…

Well, at least, I had fun!! Thanks people… =)


With a random handsome + cheeky boy…

Me, Rebecca the bride and Luna…

The group picture, all of us =)

After years, finally another picture of ONLY two of us, Toung and I, and both in WHITE… =)

Then we played this game!!! Er, I came 5th… =P

Lastly, presenting you the Princess Ericca with Toung’s crown… ^__^


What Can Be Worse?

I mean seriously, I think this is the worst that I can expect to happen in my life, being jobless and loveless, that’s it… I mean, I really don’t expect myself to be homeless and foodless afterall, not that bad ok…

Now, to me, it’s the worst scenario that is happening to me!! I am officially feeling the economy downturn, as in, I am officially made redundant by the company, oh wait, is that the right word to use? Ah whatever, I was supposed to leave on the 12th of December, but now they are giving me 4 weeks notice, which mean I am made to leave on the 5th December… WTF… Only ONE WEEK difference, what the hell for? Apparently, it’s a BIG earthquake in the company, many are having the same faith…

And for loveless, I don’t have to say this, AS USUAL I would say…

But both happening together, this is something new to me!! WTF!!

Can I choose to believe that this is the MAX already? And then the GOODS will come to me already?


Be Good…

I have been told to BE GOOD all the time recently, I wonder, am I that NOT GOOD huh?

I guess so, I know my own problems, I know my own weaknesses, I know everything… But, is that easy to just change like that? It’s not that I don’t want to change, it really takes TIME and MOTIVATION…

Everytime when I read the “BE GOOD”, I tend to remind myself that YES I AM NOT GOOD ENOUGH, I HAVE TO BE GOOD, in fact, BE BETTER!! Especially my emotions!! Even I myself is sick of my own emotions!! I would never expect anyone to be able to accept that…

I guess, Ericca MINUS emotion is a very lovely lady!! I guess, I should send myself to the ARMY, to learn how to be emotionless!! WTF…

OK, Ericca, BE GOOD!!


Melbourne Cup Day = Public Holiday = SUCKS!

Which means I have more free time at home to do nonsense, and especially THINK nonsense… If I were given a chance to change ONE THING of myself, seriously I need a NEW BRAIN with a PROPER MIND… I hate my mind for not thinking straight all the time…

Being the most inconsiderate, most annoying, most selfish, most immature person in this world, I deserve to be BRAINLESS!!! How I wish that I have BIG BOOBS, so that I don’t have a brain to think…

EMO emo EMO emo EMO emo EMO emo EMO emo EMO emo EMO emo EMO emo EMO

It might be just a fantasy, it might be the excitement, it might be the loneliness, it might be even FOR REAL… But, I just can’t handle all these… AT ALL…

But, I am still hoping to know the outcome ONE DAY… ONE FINE DAY… I don’t wish to ruin anything… NO PLEASE…


It’s just a little crush…

空著的心房… 空虛…


Emo Sucks…

I hate being emo… I hate myself for being dependent… I hate to expect too much… I hate the current situation…

I am afraid that I can’t wait for the 6 weeks to come by…
I am afraid that I will explode before that…
I am afraid that I will give up very soon…

Please behave and control!!
Be a B.I.T.C.H!!
Babe In Total Control of Herself.


Emo Share Market…

My Emotion has been like the recent share market, DOWN DOWN DOWN a bit of UP, then DOWN again, then a fair bit of UP, then DOWN…

Well, 6 more weeks to go… Looking forward to the SINGAPORE TRIP… I really hope that will turn out great and may that be one of the best trips that I have ever been to…

Praying hard…