

What’s your will? What’s my will?

What’s his will?

I can imagine that if one day when I really don’t see myself loving my life… When I am upset about every single thing… When I don’t see any good future… When I don’t feel that I am needed…

I will probably think of killing myself… Since there is nothing for me to stay…

I would want to die with no regrets… If the decision made is the WILL… Everyone should be happy for the decision…

But, I am seeing a sad case… Yes, the will was probably there, but then unfortunately he wasn’t lucky enough that he could just be gone in seconds… In fact, he was unfortunately being SAVED by people, but there is no cure… He will still be gone but in a longer period with more pain…

At this moment, I really really wish that he would still do the same again if even another chance… Because, if he regrets now, then everything is just too late, which is VERY SAD!! I would rather believe that this is still the path he wants…

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