

WOW!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010!! Best wishes to everyone, Magicland and people who are STILL reading, if there is any… HAHAHHAHAHAHA…

I had a really good night I must say!! Well, not the most happening plan, but with the best people!! I guess I made the right decision, instead of going to the most happening parties in town, I chose to go with the most boring plan… HAHAHA, yea, a steamboat night just at WheiMeng’s office, Aflexi. No dressing up, no PARTY, no count down… But, those were the people that are most important in life. What’s better than spending the last minute of a year and welcoming the first minute of a new year with the important people in life?

New year resolution, it should be the same every year? BE HAPPY!! A happy life is better than anything else!! And I guess, that also means everything is doing good, thus the happiness… =P

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