I guess I am now a lot dumber, less wisdom… As I just had 2 of my wisdom teeth extracted yesterday… FINALLY I would say, had been hestitating to do since last year’s March when I visited a dentist and he asked me to get it extracted. With the fear of undergoing a surgery, it kept stopping me for doing it. But, the decay had gone worse and worse, till I had only half a tooth left, and my little cousin JeHaw was sharing me his dentistry knowledge as he is the FUTURE dentist… He told me that I HAD TO TAKE IT OUT!!
Alright, so I finally made an appointment with this DATO LIM as recommended by JeHaw that he is the best with 40+ years experience. I had my mom to accompany me and my bro to drive me there. And I got a bad news from the dentist, he told me that I had to remove TWO OF THEM instead of just one… WTFFFFFFFFFFFFF… Well, since I was already there and I rather suffer it at one go, so I agreed. The process was not that painful as I imagined. But I was too scared. I tried to think of something happy and not to remind myself that I was undergoing a surgery, but obviously FAILED, I just could not concentrate on anything else.
It took about 40 minutes to get both of them out, pretty impressive. And the dentist is really nice and funny. The price was also reasonable.
And, there is an advantage to me, so that I can lose some weight for I am going to DRINK only porridge for a week. HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA… Hopefully it works! =P
2 replies on “Wisdom…”
Wow. Really can lose weight ah..
HAHAH… dont know… maybe =P