能与你相爱,我想我这辈子的幸运已经用完了……when i heard this sentence i juz say WAO, it is so perfect, so touch, so pure, from wat i hav seen….when ppl in luv, they alweays thinks for themselves only, the boys or gals dun 1 2 let the other party go juz bcz they feel so sad, mostly in breakup scene, we can hear that the mostly excuse not 2 break up is bcz 我不舍得, well all of this words r juz on behalf of the party how about another…………..i used 2 be tat, so i know tat feelings……….erm……well after been through a very long tough process i only can realize the meaning of luv, something that juz not about owming it, is juz about givin out, u gave ur luv, ur cares, ur happiness 2 another person…………but in da same times, u dun think about getting back something from tat person…….n u r able 2 let her go when she wanted…….well….i personally think tat 暗恋 is such a beautiful….y? bcz u din even think getting something back but juz cherish her, care her……ok well 2night i also dunno y i would say such things…erm maybe juz bcz of tat words lo….ok gonna sleep good9
3 replies on “能与你相爱,我想我这辈子的幸运已经用完了……”
i do agree that sometimes æš—æ‹ is kinda sweet…
-_-” what a good sentence…
on the other hand, i wouldn’t want my love one to be in bad luck since falling in love with me… -.-”
wow,pyy so emotional ehz