
“Stupid Thing”

yeay… i got a NEW name today from this nurse when i went to do my medical checkup…

basically i did my urine test, then it’s time for blood test, but i “HARRRR, now ar?” to the nurse, then she went like “then you sit there to wait for the doctor to see you”… i was so scared, so nervous… the doctor was a male doctor… i looked at him with my all pale face and told him that my blood pressure MIGHT be a bit high because i was all stressed at the moment… then he asked me to take off my clothes and then let him touch here touch there… *feel like being molested* shiatzzzzz…

my heart still pumping… waiting… waiting… still not yet… finally i asked…

ME: when are you going to take my blood ar?
DOC: you havent had it taken?
ME: no…
DOC: i will take you there later…
ME: how much are you going to take ar?
DOC: i am not sure, i think ONE LITRE…
DOC: oh maybe HALF LITRE?

then he asked me to wait in the waiting room and walked away…

5 minutes later, he came back…

DOC: oh, only this much *showing me with his fingers, around 5cm*
ME: *looking around* oh, thanks…

WTFFFFFFFFF… everyone in the waiting room looked at me… duh… bad doctor…!!!

*dang dang dang dang* finally it’s my turn when my tear ALMOST rolling out of my eyes… luckily… else… embarrassing… the nurse actually kept talking to me to distract me, but i just couldnt pay attention to her questions, in fact, i didnt answer any… i could feel the needle poking into my skin…

i went “OUCH”… “OUCH”… “OUCH”… then the nurse went “you STUPID THING”… wtf… speechless…

i am now still left hand cacated… i still feel the pain~~~


Phone Stop…

yoyoyo~~~ i am back after so long… and back with some pictures!! *yumyum* and this explains why i have been so busy and thus lack of updates and thus seldom online… because… I AM WORKING!! yes yes yes, i am no longer jobless… *weeeeeeeeeheeeeeeeee*

erm, it’s PHONE STOP, located in Fountain Gate shopping mall… erm… it sells mobile phone accessories… erm… basically i work there 4 days a week… so i am pretty much busy and i am happy… because…

1. i have income
2. i am not bored

but this job is pretty boring though, just stand there ALONE doing nothing most of the time and i dont have a CHAIR!!! haiihzzzz… but i think it’s kinda good though, so that i can do some exercise and lose some weight… the good thing about this job is… you dont have a boss!!! yes, my boss is not near me, basically i can do whatever i want.. kekekekekkekeke… basically my bosses are cool, they are nice people… =) and i enjoy watching movies that DickSmith having them on their TVs that they are selling…

okokok… let the pictures do the talking…

this is where i work…


half face + half logo… cool huh… so damn freaking creative!! *MUAHAHAHHAHAHA*



*yeay* i am FINALLY a graduate!! =) *applause*

one of the worries is gone now… but, there are more to come… it’s time to start worrying for my PR application… need to get this done, get that done… so many things to do… ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!

and i am feeling sad… coz i dont have enough money… i dont have enough jobs… maaaaaaaaa~~~ =(

hmmm… nobody bought me present… =( but luckily i was too smart, and i PREDICTED that i could pass it… so i went shopping yesterday *before the result was released* and yea, i bought myself present… =P i bought myself a pair of boots using mommie+daddie’s credit card *assuming that they bought me present already*… and babyben bought me a pair of jeans… weeeheeee… i got presents!!! *winkz*


Happy Night…

weeeheeee… happy happy happy…

guess what… i came home at 10am this morning… woohoo~~ so happening yea… had so much fun at yean’s place whole night… the whole night long mahjong session… *happiez*

it has been a while since i last had my ABNORMAL sleeping time… been really good girl lately sleep at the right time and waking up at the right time… and today, yea, finally i had the chance to be ABNORMAL again… wooohoooo~~~~

glad to have this bunch of nice people to hang around… really cool… =)

this is what TOO-FREE-PEOPLE do… haiiihhzzz… i wanna go to work ler… ish… waiting for the next job… *wait wait wait*


Why Love…

LOVE between family, lovers and friends… i would say the most unpredictable one is LOVERS…

family is the best support after all… they start loving you from the moment you meet them… eventhough you have a fight, you still love them and forgive them after that… which is the endless love…

friends… you know that you are just friends, you dont or i would say you know that you CANT expect much from your friends… they are still just friends…

lovers… you think that he is yours, you are his… you expect much… you hope that you will be together forever… you forgive and forget about all unhappiness… you try, you put in effort, you pray… for everything to go smooth… but, in the end… nobody knows… there is no rules and regulations… there is no Law of Averages, nothing about the more you love someone, the more love you will get in return…

basically, LOVE between lovers is just so crappy… yes, it’s gambling… it’s luck…

this is why some people commit suicide after losing money… and same goes to why some people commit suicide after losing a lover…

why love?



hmmm… been chatting with WeeHong for almost half a day… and really glad that the feeling is still there… and also thankx for the NEWS… hehehehee…

but on the other hand, i am kinda upset… it seems like i am totally out of the circle already… i cant talk, i cant know, i cant ask, i cant join… it’s the distance? or the people? or the timing? i have no idea… all i know is… i have tried. and i am tired, too. i am really AMAZED at those people who can actually handle their long distance relationships, they are so great!

imagine if i am going to stay in melbourne for few more years… probably i will only have my family as my friends…


anyway, thanks baby for the VIRUS… =P yea, i am sick… *hahahahahah* baby lost weight after falling sick for few days… hmmmm… let’s see whether i will lose any weight or not… kekekekeke…



for some reasons, i miss daddy very much… and i am feeling so blessed that i have such a daddy that loves me so much… and of course, i love him very much too…

always say YES to me, always give what i want, pampering me to the max… never scold me, never make me feel bad… the most important thing is… he is always proud of me…

some people say that USUALLY fathers love daughters more while mothers love sons more… well, maybe…