

Finally, it has ended, after so many episodes… I seriously enjoyed it so much, I checked the website out everyday just to see if there was any new episode… And I enjoyed the BITCHING part the most, so amusing, so entertaining… Of course, looking at hot chicks is my hobby! =P

Well, I knew that Cindy would win… HAHAHAHA… Just like what everyone is saying, the Nissan Latio is sponsored by HER DAD… But hey, I think this is a very smart investment though… He probably only spent RM50K on the sms-es and then he could get a brand new car for RM100K and also the princess daughter to be happy, VERY SMART MOVE!! If I were related to any of the contestants, I would so do that too!! And then sell off the car and we share the profit!! HOW NICE!!

I actually kinda like Cindy too, when she doesn’t talk… As I think she is pretty!! So I don’t have any comment on her winning, but I somehow pity her that everyone is banging her and her dad… I think they are the victims, or perhaps they are just a TOOL for the MDG producers to make money!! I would say we should throw rotten eggs at the MDG producers!!

This was so not a contest, instead, it’s an AUCTION!! WOOOHOOOO~~ The CROWN of MALAYSIAN DREAM GIRL was being auctioned, LELONG LELONG!! The highest bidder won!! I bet the producers are now laughing at those who voted, oh no, not laughing, probably THANKING them for the PRODUCTION FEES!!

I wonder, will that be a 2nd MalaysianDreamGirl coming up next year? Or maybe all the contestants will be rich-fat-ugly-princesses? Eh, but maybe poor people will join too, I would probably join, just because I am poor and this will be a GOOD INVESTMENT!! I will apply for MARGIN LENDING for this investment, if not, loan from loan shark, it’s probably worth paying for the interest!! What a SUPERB investment, LOW RISK HIGH RETURN!!


One Month To Go…

I can’t wait!! ONE MORE MONTH!! To my baby’s birthday, then he will be here with me!! WOOOOHOOOOOO~~~~!!!

I just wish the time to fly faster… Because after baby’s birthday then it will be JUNE, why is June so exciting? BECAUSE THERE WILL BE HEAPS OF SALES!!




I LOVE arguing with people, I love arguments… Not all always that I argue because I want to win or to tell others that I am right, but also I want to OTHERS to PROVE that I am right, or you can tell me that I am wrong with FACTS…

I hate it when people trying to argue with no fact… Especially GUYS, I am not sure it’s me or the men out there that I have met, they are those die-want-face 死愛臉 that will tell you the fact-that-they-BELIEVE-it’s-the-fact… Which it’s not!! And I have a very bad habit that I will GOOGLE out the fact to prove that you are wrong IF I think that you are trying to BS me… I just don’t like the idea of people think that I am like a dumb fool that will take your BS seriously…

I especially like to have arguments with smart reasonable and knowledgeable people, I don’t mind being the dumb, but at least I am so willing to admit that YES YOU ARE SMART AND RIGHT AND I AM DUMB AND WRONG!! Instead of those who DUMB AND WRONG but still want to ACT SMART AND RIGHT…

This is SO WRONG…

And recently, I have found someone to argue with me on a daily basis, and I am the loser MOST OF THE TIME, but it still put a smile on my face after being a loser, WHY? Because I am glad that I have a SMART BABY =)


ME or YOU?

Sometimes I wonder, if someone makes me feel uneasy and not feeling good, is that MY problem or this someone’s problem?

It’s either I am…

Over sensitive:
Maybe they are not doing it on purpose and they don’t realize that…
Too calculative:
Maybe I shouldn’t care what people do…
Care about the relationship:
Maybe I treat people as someone important but they just treat that I am nobody…
Easily hurt:
Maybe I should learn how to stay away from these…

Or maybe they…

Do it on purpose:
Because they HATE me…
Not doing it on purpose but NATURALLY:
Just because they don’t even care about how I feel…

And I used to confront and talk over problems, but I am just so sick of people trying to give gazillions of excuses for their behaviors, and trying to HIDE, or even try to change how I think… But, I still think that IF YOU have done something that no matter directly or indirectly hurting me, then it’s your FAULT, it’s obviously not my problem that I purposely turn your kind heart to a rotten heart to HURT MYSELF, RIGHT~!? It’s your misbehaves!!

But I know, no matter what, it’s all up to me to make myself feel better in this kinda situation… And I am still so far away from knowing how to handle it the right way! I have been telling myself again and again about DON’T CARE and DON’T INTERACT with anyone, there comes NO PROBLEM then!!

This is why I am now happily living in my own little corner, my small but cozy room… And not connecting with the WAR outside my world… I sometimes wonder I should live in an ISLAND myself, nobody nothing, maybe my family with me… I will never leave my family behind for any reason…

Or maybe it’s even better to be DEAF AND BLIND… I guess it would be so peaceful…



This happened at work today… At first I was sharing the conversation content between my recruitment agent and I with my team mates… Something like “She asked about how’s the work, what’s the plan, enjoying or not, good feedback…” And then they said ONLY ME who got the good feedback and they didn’t get it… But I thought it was just the NICER way of saying that the agent wanted to please everyone of us and would have said that to all of us… But apparently NO…

Then the argument came out as I am the PET, the team leader’s pet… And being a LOOKER, the one who works with LOOKS not HANDS can save me from trouble… This was because I didn’t get into trouble for losing my work last week, but that was the freaking damn computer’s FAULT and NOT MINE!! And I did work with my HANDS!! And then there came another saying that wearing skirt can get you to anywhere with doing nothing… Hey, that just sounds like sleeping with the boss can earn you to the managerial level!

And somemore they so happy everytime also USE ME to HELP THEM to the team leader questions, just because I won’t get scolding~!?

OH MAN~~~ Yes, I am the only girl in the team, I am the youngest in the team… But it doesn’t mean that I don’t do anything one right~~~ And, I am sure that I do more work than they do… Maybe not MORE but definitely not LESSER!!

Why lar now girls can’t be working hard for their career one meh?!!!!!!! SEXIST!!!!!!



Lately, I realized that I have been googling for holidays ideas during my free time… I never used to do that…

I wonder, was it because that I am now slowly turning into an Australian, where Australians so like to enjoy their holidays… Or, I am actually addicted to the times where I could go traveling with HIM without doing anything…

How I wished I could now quit my job, pack my luggages and say GOOD BYE to Australia and say HELLO to my beloved Kuala Lumpur… But, I can’t just leave like that, I NEED TO ACHIEVE something, I need to bring something back for all the years that I have spent here… Something that I would be proud of myself for struggling for this long… At least something that I could share with my family instead of just, TVB, SHOPPING, EATING… Oh and that I took more than unusual time to finish up my ONLY DEGREE, about my career… NO COMMENT…




Joke of the day:

He told me that he was going to see a doctor as he found out that his neck is abnormally bigger than usual lately…

Then after seeing the doctor…

He told me, the doctor said it’s FATS!!!!!!!!!!!

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH… Apparently, it’s double chin… OMG, first time ever people suspect that they have thyroid disease when they are actually FATTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!

So dumb… But cute… =P


Luckiest Day =)

Today would be my luckiest day after a while, after my post of My Best Big 2 Hand, today I had another BESTIER one… =P


I was lucky that nobody actually had a bigger 3 of a kind… And so, I TRIPLE FRIED everyone~~~!!! Wooohooooo~~~!!!

And I kinda noticed that I was quite lucky today, why?

Because… Today…

Happy Monthly-versary baby!! =)



I think I am always unlucky, everything just can’t seem to happen as my wish… Things just keep failing on me… I am so used to it anyway, that’s why I have a habit where I wouldn’t tell anyone about anything TILL the moment that it has been done… Because things always don’t work out in the end…

And now, I guess I have already passed this bad luck to my baby… Baby, I am sorry =( I don’t know if I should wish you good luck or I should keep a distance from you…

I should be a loner, I really don’t want to bring bad luck to anyone… Especially my loved ones…



I don’t understand why can’t I just DREAM in my own world? Although that it seems to be NOT REAL… Does it matter even if I MYSELF know exactly that it can be a SWEET DREAM, and it will never happen for real… And what’s more when I already said clearly that I am expecting the worst and ready to face it…

So, what is your problem?

Why can’t people just STOP telling me that? If you think that I am not aware, fine, you can let me know, I will see that as being nice and just reminding me, I thank you for that… But what if I already told you that YES I KNOW, I AM AWARE OF IT…

Anyway, I would say that I just LOST a so-called FRIEND, I am not sure what is HE… But I am sure that he was very CARING and he asked so many questions that I answered so many till he sort of knows everything… But, he SEEMS to know me SO WELL that he likes to conclude everything for me and even PREDICTS MY FUTURE…

And every SINGLE time I share something with him that he would OPPOSE to the max… Well, now I would want to announce that…

RONNIE, YOU FARKING ANNOYED THE HELL OUTTA ME!!! And I wonder how dare you named yourself as my TRUE FRIEND… TRUE BULLSHIATZ!!!