
A New Life In Making…

after last night’s farewell party for Andrew at Y2K… many people went… and i thought of leaving early coz of meeting up with someone… but then who knows, he wanted to join too… so all of us were there till the party ended…

finally met up again after so long, feeling no longer that strong, no longer that excited… but still, feeling good being together, having that old good friends feeling, feeling so naked…

but at least, this meet up tells me that he is not that important to me as i thought before… i dont like him as much as i thought too… this morning, i asked him some questions and also revealing the truth that he is still with his gf… and also prove that i was WRONG assuming that he is a good bf… because a good bf wont be seeing other girls when his gf is not around…

thankx god… i am out of him… hmmm… and i am kinda happy talking to him like a friend again… and really thankx that i am not his gf… i wouldnt want my bf to see other girls behind me… and i told him that i feel happier being his friend than his gf… he even answered me ‘maybe’… hahahahahahaha…

looking at the date… 1st of august… i am dead…


A Room in Melb City…

Please please please people out there!! get me a room in the city…!! not for me of coz… but for JEFF!!!! move him to the city!! go go go!!

ARGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH~!~!~!~! ever since he came, my room is no longer my room… i dont like heater, but he on heater most of the time saying VERY COLD but only wearing tshirt and shorts!!! and my laptop is no longer my laptop!! he uses my laptop more than me!!! i have no chance to face my laptop 24/7 like i used to be… i have no time to talk c*ck in the HUB, i have no time to browse LYN, i have no time to read BLOGS, i have no time to bullshiat on msn… and damn it, MY MSN!!! stop logging off my msn without my permission!! *WTF* MORON!!!!! i am now MAD edi… it’s not the first time telling him not to do all these, and he is not listening!!! and i am FARKING PISSED NOW!!! till i dont feel like talking to him!!!



Boring Life…

haiihzz… it’s been a long time since my last update… life is so boring… nothing’s much to jot down…

my life now after my spanish final exam is like a… hmmm… well, i should say that i have just started my HOLIDAY!!! yes!! but heck, it’s just A WEEK!! *ma de* so i am now enjoying my holiday as much as i can… i SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP… yea, non-stop sleeping till my mom cant actually see me online… kekekekekekek… for example like last night i slept from 12am till this afternoon 12pm… then i started sleeping again at around 5pm till 8pm… damn syiok sleeping… =)

my all day friend is just jeff and jeff… seeing him everyday and night… *BORING* but anyhow, i am glad to have him as my maid, driver and cook… =P and for FREE!! wooohooo~!~!~! BUT BUT BUT… it’s not good having him here also… as… he always disturb my sleep… always use my laptop and so i dont have a chance to use… then always ask me this ask me that… *TA MA DE* irritating betul!!!



255 the new club opened last night, and so so so many people were there everyone expected it to be a great night… so damn crowded, couldnt move, couldnt breath, couldnt dance, couldnt drink, couldnt hear the music… ok… in conclusion, couldnt club…

the funniest part was one of the friends told me that the bar tenders were refering to the recipe book while making drinks… what the hell… damn EXPERIENCED wor… and imagine, human talking voices are much louder than the music… further more, the air condition was really bad… all these made me feel like i was in a PASAR!! not market in melbourne, market in melbourne is still better… but the PASAR in malaysia, smelly, noisy, hot, crowded… the difference is… there were lengluiz in this pasar and we need to pay aud15 to enter the pasar… and then, i left after standing there for an hour without any drinking…

anyway, sorrie to cheryl darling and virlyn… i really not into the mood man… =(

before i went to clubbing last night, i went to meet up with my primary schoolmates… KahYong leaving today, so we decided to meet up… but heck this fella been in australia for 1 year and hided himself in the stupid gippsland… till gonna leave only meeting us up… *WTF* at the same place, Lin Contro, i saw one whole gang of familiar faces there… it was the church gang!! knowing that ronnie also going back for good this afternoon, i guess, it was his farewell party too… beside that, I SAW SOMETHING!!!! arrrrgggghhhhhhh *fine*

so happie seeing people leaving happily going back for good… *envy* when is my turn man…


Buhbye Chan and Welcome New Housemate…

sent chan yee off to the airport on tuesday’s night and it was a very dramatic night… chan and yuan didnt have the chance to have the last hug and not even a hug just because of 2 seconds late… chan yee had to leave while yuan was RUNNING there… and chan yee was forced by the security guy to go in, she slowly walked in, was hoping to see yuan again… the door closed, chan went in… and yuan arrived… really dramatic… yuan kept asking W-H-Y… WHY WHY WHY didnt chan yee wait for her… and her tear dropping… *poor yuan*

after 1+ hour waiting in the airport, finally my new housemate arrived… Jeffrey from malaysia… he is now temporarily staying in my house till he got himself a place to stay…

brought him to the bank yesterday… and i saw 3 cute piggie banks on the table and so i asked the attendant how to get that… he told me that it costs 50bucks!! *MA DE* but then, after a minute, another CUTE CUTE CHUBBY UNCLE passed the piggie to me!! and FOR FREE!! *muaahahahhahahahahahaha~~~* probably he thought that the piggie was my long lost sister… =P anyhow… I LOVE PIGGIE

my piggie…. so adorable…

my piggie and i… muacks… *ignore the ghost behind*

jeff and i…


Updated Pictures…

My cool winter holiday…

Me + Chan in Springvale

Chan, Yuan, Steven, Cheryl, Me

4 of us in the maze

super seaview… my best companion in melb *muacks*

very cool clubbing night at next blue… *thankx for the pic,*

more pictures here


A Surprise From Uni…

i checked my letter box today and found that there were a few letters from uni… and they were all outdated letters as i wasnt at home for so many days…

and there was this BIG envelope and with handwritten words on the envelope from uni… *weird* so then i opened it… it’s a POST CARD!! *WTF* i was wondering why did uni send me a post card… then i read the words written on it… TA MA DE!! it’s from QS korkor… and it’s a great ocean road post card, sent on 11 july from 3269 CAMPBELL victoria!! duuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh~~~ he actually sent to my uni and the uni resent it to me as he didnt have my address…

BUT… what the hell!! you stupid korkor, i cant believe that you were in australia and you didnt even bother to inform me? *ARRGHHHH* you better tell me that it wasnt you who sent it and you actually asked someone to send it… i dont know how to forgive you… MA DE!!!

anyhow… at least, this lil post card really did put a smile on my face this morning… thankiew… =)



Happie Hours…

i went clubbing at FFOUR on thursday night and got myself drunk… i love that feeling… i forgot about sadness and worries… i mixed, i drank, i sang, i danced, i screamed, i puked and i slept… i guess that was the moment that i could worry about nothing… =)

i even called to my supervisor to cancel my work on friday and i went to have a day trip with yuan, cheryl and chan yee… i had no mood to work at all… it was a SUPER GREAT TRIP!!! it was really fun although we didnt know the road and we had to keep reading the maps, also kept going on the wrong route… hahahahahah… very fun indeed…

cheryl: my happiest day in melbourne
chan yee: my happiest day in my melbourne’s trip

everyone was happy =)

we left the house at 1030am… first, we went to take a chairlift up to the hill and took a look at the VERY VERY NICE SEA VIEW… then we proceeded to the MAZE which was very very fun… it is like a normal maze that we usually play on the paper but the difference is we cant see how is the maze from the top and we have to WALK ourselves in the maze and try to get ourselves out of the maze… very very fun, and we made up 2 teams, yuan and chan yee while cheryl and i to compete who could get out of the mazes faster… but cheryl and i were being too dumb as we lost in both mazes… oh yea, the most important part is… that… WE DIDNT PAY FOR THE MAZE!! hahahahaha… yea, we were supposed to pay 12bucks each… but then we saw the door was opened and we just sneaked in… in fact, we didnt know that we were supposed to pay until we finished with the maze and we saw people paying for the maze entrance… hahahahahahahahahaha…

then we also thought of going horse riding, blueberry farm, view the seals and dolphins, car museum… but all CLOSED… but then, we found a SECRET entrance for the car museum!! so we entered it without authority… and had a glance of the museum, took a picture of it… but we just couldnt enter the museum building… it was so funny that we were behaving like THIEVES… kept looking around and checked if there were people there to catch us…

we were actually very disappointed as so many places that we wanted to go were closed… so then we decided to relax ourselves by going to the HOT SPRINGS!! read the maps and reached the place through a very DODGY + BUMPY + MUDDY road… and we saw a sign saying that it had already moved to a new place… so we read the map again… MA DE… gotta go through another even worse road, STEEP + MUDDY + SMALL + QUIET + TREES AROUND… cheryl even worried that there would be people coming out to attack us… after driving with fear finally we saw this IGLOO alike thingie… and saw a few cars and A LADY!!! yes, we asked the lady about the hot springs… and the lady went so shocked ‘HOW DID YOU GET HERE’ and she told us that we actually arrived the BACK of the hot springs but we couldnt get in from the back and it wasnt a PROPER way to get there… *TA MA DE*

and we had to read the maps again in order to reach the FRONT part of it… duh~~~~~~ we didnt expect to go to the hot springs so we didnt prepare any proper clothing for it, and thus we couldnt go to the public pool… so we had to pay more for the private area but i think it was better… we didnt share pool with other people so that we could just do anything!! i mean ANYTHING!! 4 of us were supposed to be all NAKED in the pool but we didnt *SHYSHY* all 4 of us went to the pool with towel… hahahahaha… the temperature was hot enough, 40 degrees… just imagine the head was in winter but the body was in summer… damn great man the feeling… really really relaxing… =)

we treated ourselves vietnamese dinner in springvale… *YUMMIE* and then rushed back to the city by 1030pm to get ourselves ready for the PARTY!!! yes baby, another DRUNKING session at next blue!! and i cant even really tell that how many guys/girls that i frenched with and how many guys/girls that i danced with… but i know that there were too many different people come and go and i dont know who is who… hahahahahahah…

my happie hours are going to end soon after chan yee goes back to sydney… and that time… i will need to face the reality again… *GOSH*


I Am Dumb…

i havent had a good mood since afternoon… since i got my result… it’s a big disappointment… and i still dont know how to tell my parents about it… i think it is really really hard for me to tell about it… should i just lie…? i dont know man… my future has been destroyed by ME MYSELF and I…

i stoned for the whole afternoon… was hungry… but i didnt eat and i went to sleep… when i woke up, already late and time for dinner… but i didnt feel like going out to eat and there was nothing edible in the house as well… so then i just sat there doing nothing… till my phone rang… Royal called saying that he was outside my house… he actually came to check whether i still alive or not *i guess*… and then he found that i had nothing to eat, he wanted to cook for me, but… nothing for him to cook… so then we went to coles to get something back… at last, he cooked me STEAK… not bad ler… thankx man!! =)

thought of staying at home as i dont feel like going anywhere… but… i am going to ffour soon, cheryl is picking me up… i dont know what for… but… i am still going…

my cook, Royal.


Buhbye Asling Jiejie…

just woke up and realised that the house is so empty… feeling like so lonely… hmmm… why leh…? because asling jiejie left last night edi… =( she left me alone here edi… she is not going to care for me anymore… =(

anyway, wishing you all the best in KL lar… hope to see you soon… and… my VERY VERY VERY NICE DINNER!! dont FFK wor… =) take care lar girl… *muacks*

i had another news last night… which is SOMEONE is coming back!!! he is coming back because he has failed a subject… and poor thing, he needs to come back again… he was sad but i was happy… =P hahahahahahahhahahaha…