255 the new club opened last night, and so so so many people were there everyone expected it to be a great night… so damn crowded, couldnt move, couldnt breath, couldnt dance, couldnt drink, couldnt hear the music… ok… in conclusion, couldnt club…
the funniest part was one of the friends told me that the bar tenders were refering to the recipe book while making drinks… what the hell… damn EXPERIENCED wor… and imagine, human talking voices are much louder than the music… further more, the air condition was really bad… all these made me feel like i was in a PASAR!! not market in melbourne, market in melbourne is still better… but the PASAR in malaysia, smelly, noisy, hot, crowded… the difference is… there were lengluiz in this pasar and we need to pay aud15 to enter the pasar… and then, i left after standing there for an hour without any drinking…
anyway, sorrie to cheryl darling and virlyn… i really not into the mood man… =(
before i went to clubbing last night, i went to meet up with my primary schoolmates… KahYong leaving today, so we decided to meet up… but heck this fella been in australia for 1 year and hided himself in the stupid gippsland… till gonna leave only meeting us up… *WTF* at the same place, Lin Contro, i saw one whole gang of familiar faces there… it was the church gang!! knowing that ronnie also going back for good this afternoon, i guess, it was his farewell party too… beside that, I SAW SOMETHING!!!! arrrrgggghhhhhhh *fine*
so happie seeing people leaving happily going back for good… *envy* when is my turn man…
2 replies on “255…!!”
saw wat..?? izzit…that someone/that pair?? ermm.. i guess u know who i say gua?? izzit??
eeeeeeee… dowan to tell you… =P