awww… just got back from work… not too tired… but damn boring lar the job… HHAHAHHAHA… first time in my life working as a liquor promoter… promoting jack daniels somemore… wahllaoo… where got people drink JD one… so expensive somemore!! aisehhh…
basically, only standing, walking and talking… HAHHAHAHAH~~ damn mou liu~~ somemore there were too many other liquor girls around, all like fighting only… *madness* i didnt join the war though, i only standing there acting as a doll… ahhahahahhaa… then luckily one customer came to me, and just took one bottle!! so nice… only the 2 of them opening one bottle… ma de that fella holding like SO MUCH CASH!! whole stack man, all 100bucks and 50bucks notes leh!! i think… there around… RM4k there lor… he asked me to drink with him, but friend how lar drinking while working, drunk edi how to work… hahahaha… so i told him that i would be back to him later, so i went back there after work to drink with him, guess what, i forced him to get another bottle from me again while his first bottle still left 70%… HAHHAHAHA~~ what did i do? 3 cups for one bottle!! easy job ler… simply bottoms up 3 cups edi… so, another bottle ler!! KEKKEKEKEKE~~ he told me his friends on the way, then i could get another bottle with another 3 cups also, been waiting… but then… time to go home… too bad lar… HAHHAHAHAHA… and guess how this fella paying tips? he took out his stack of money… asked me to take any… wahlaoooo… i wasnt that bad lar… i only took 10bucks… =P how stupid i was… nvm… i will learn to be smarter next time, next time i will take 50bucks… HAHHAHAHHAHAH~
there was this customer damn funny, asked me to drink, and i told him i am still underage to drink and i told him i am only 17… HAHHAHAHA… damn lame~~ but well, i think this job kinda suits me ler… as, i enjoy being in this kinda environment… the people, the music, the place, and of coz the drinks!!
but now… i am feeling kinda dizzy edi… that stupid customer damn kiasu… scared that i not drunk so that he would have to pay for more bottles… he then forced me to drink one cup of NEAT one… cilaka…!! =P not bad though, still can blog… lalalallalaaaaaa~