
Why Love…

LOVE between family, lovers and friends… i would say the most unpredictable one is LOVERS…

family is the best support after all… they start loving you from the moment you meet them… eventhough you have a fight, you still love them and forgive them after that… which is the endless love…

friends… you know that you are just friends, you dont or i would say you know that you CANT expect much from your friends… they are still just friends…

lovers… you think that he is yours, you are his… you expect much… you hope that you will be together forever… you forgive and forget about all unhappiness… you try, you put in effort, you pray… for everything to go smooth… but, in the end… nobody knows… there is no rules and regulations… there is no Law of Averages, nothing about the more you love someone, the more love you will get in return…

basically, LOVE between lovers is just so crappy… yes, it’s gambling… it’s luck…

this is why some people commit suicide after losing money… and same goes to why some people commit suicide after losing a lover…

why love?

5 replies on “Why Love…”

Some will live happily with it, some will die with it… Some think how lucky there are when in love and some think how dreadful is it when betrayed…

But then every1 cant live without it… Maybe some will saz dont need it at all, but in 1 live sure encouter it…

So be happy when you gone through the good and the bad, as it will make things better in future, give you better judgement later on…

Its always hard when been loved and been not loved, its not the end, do your best and most important to remember to love back yourself… 🙂

hmmmm… that’s so true though… i still dont understand why are we loving some other people’s sons or daughters while we cant even love ourselves…

Cause that we are merely just humans, as we need to loved & be loved… actually we do love ourselves, but until 1 extend we need to love some1 and so that some1 will love you back…

yup, relationships do sounds like a trade, its always give and take, a 2 way thing, but its a great way to understand each other…

its always a good feeling that some1 is always thinking about you, be love and pampered, thats why human cant live by ourselves… the power of LOVE!

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