was browsing through friendster and i found that there was this status that we could use… it’s complicated… hahahaha… what a good status!! and then, i changed mine to it’s complicated too… p/s: i think Zoe needs that too… =P
i usually like to say that i am single but not available… but this is not a COOL way to say it, let’s bear with it’s complicated… hahahahhaha… i am PHYSICALLY single, but not single MENTALLY… my mind is attached to someone and i am not interested in ANYONE or ANY RELATIONSHIP… hahahahaha… further more, i am MARRIED!! hahahah… yes!! i am married to my LOUGONG *muacks* hahahahaha… sounds funny eh…? sounds complicated eh…?
well… it’s true that something is better to be left unknown or unclear…
6 replies on “It’s Complicated…”
it’s down right confusing even!! hahaha =Þ
shudup you!!
so then, i shall be single and available…
walau eh ….
really C O M P L I C A T E D ~~!!!
hahahahahahhaha… really SO complicated meh~ =P
oh yes! i have to agree with you 😉 glad to know you’re fine. hehe