ok… since our friend here is a STALKER…
This time on Fire liow says:
ok nyway i was browsing my fren’s friendster
This time on Fire liow says:
n then i saw the name errica… i was like is this the very yau sing kak punya ericca ..n so i check check lo
This time on Fire liow says:
although she has dissapointing no full bikini pics … i was damn happy to see her with furry animals
This time on Fire liow says:
i saw ah guin lo
This time on Fire liow says:
ah beh beh lo
This time on Fire liow says:
ah pao pao
This time on Fire liow says:
n ah terter
This time on Fire liow says:
n i decide to compose it lo
and… his phone number is 012-3190 117, email address is bishamon13@hotmail.com
2 replies on “Mr. Mystery”
this is scary. he sounds a bit like those stalker.
but then also la.. cannot ‘dak jui’ ericca. she will put all the info up! *L0L*
how do u actually define a stalker?
what does a stalker do?
what are his/her characteristics?
what are the normal traits of a stalk victim?