4 drama queens had so fun again after like SO SO SO long… HUSH BAR FOR THE WIN!!
It was just too crazy, not too drunk, but enough to go crazy!! *yeah*
The funniest moment was when 4 *having fun* in the disabled toilet, fighting for the ONLY toilet, flashing, laughing, dancing… I didn’t that toilet can be so happening, until the toilet met us… It could be…
And also how we danced in the dance floor till guys surrounding us and we ran away… Then we back again… Then drank again… Then danced again… So fun clubbing with ONLY GIRLS!! We had guys, just that they were nowhere to be seen… And WHO CARES!!
BEFORE… Still at home…
Just getting started…
AFTER: Don’t ask me whose car, I have no idea at all…
Lucky I was wearing BLACK stockings, else… Not sure what’s gonna be showing…
TOO BAD, that we didn’t take pictures in the toilet… And also, the 4 dead bodies lying on the CAR PARK GROUND…
And guess what, I went home and slept for 4 hours and went to work again!! *applause*