wow… it’s been a long time since my last post… well, these days were really busy with my visitors from KL, Mayvis and Dayna… really happy to have them here with me, so that i could have happy and busy days during this holiday… not as bad as expected…!! =)
we even went ZOO!!! what the hell… ZOO man!! yea, we went with quite a few friends, Wei Yu, Hao Pien, Chee Yong, Li Fang, Hui Yi, Dayna, Mayvis, Toung and i… it seems like a chong hwa gathering over here…!! it’s kinda fun though meeting back old schoolmates… nice!!! the bad thing is… i have been eating more than a pig man!!!!! and also i have spending like mad!!!! really spending too much in this week… oh no man… poor girl!!!
there is still a question in my mind… the same question… i really hope to know the truth, but then it’s a bit hard for me… it’s like… erm… hard to ask and… or maybe it’s not that important anymore and maybe it is not meant for me to know… but still… i still have this question mark in my mind for the same question…