pyy hav a crush with a gal in school man…..hmmm cant say is a crush juz realize tat the gal is interested on me….yeah, how sure, 80% confidence!!!wats the proof then???cxz she always look at me…..u may think i m suc a …….(4got wats the word oledi) person!!!anyway, my 6sence can never b wrong….yeah….ok but this gal is not suitable for me……she is the type where is cute, innocent, 1st time in love, not tat feminine…..ya…..not really open minded person, and i think she is a virgin….wah, i scare of virgin gal ok???y??theres a stoy inside….soconclusion, her looks really charming, and attract my attention 2 but i m not goin 2 get her…..y???cxz i promise myself in this 2 yrs not goin 2 hav any gf…..yeah!!!y???cxz i wanna focus on doing some reading(ofcxz not text book!!!)and do some other things, i dun 1 a gal came into my life n taken all my time…yeah…and 1 more important thing….major reason….i still like my gal…ahahhaah……but 1 more thing in this 2 yrs i may hav playmate but not gf, wats playmate???juz a relationship of sex…ohya soem gals may think i m some sort of maniac…..ok nvm….this is the reality of human being desire……no matter u r gals or boyz!!!gonna sleep c ya
One reply on “cRush!!!~~~”
wahlao… it seems like very interesting wor…