arrghh… just back from SUPPER!! we went for supper after library!~~ and it’s damn late now!! it’s almost 1am edi~~ damn!!! and i dont much time left to my FIRST PAPER edi!! damn damn damn!!! I AM FARKING SCARED!!! luckily i went to stock up 2 bars of DAIRY MILK, so that i can EAT it when i feeling stressed tomorrow!! yea, i am going to bring into the EXAM HALL~~ yoohoo~~
pics from library~
puishan and alice so hardworking wor…
robin is sleeping? studying? or talking to Ultraman?
dont blame me, too BORED!!
poor lil ericca looks so tired~~ =(
9 replies on “EXAM!!!”
tired of taking pictures? kekekeke….
more like tired after making poses… 😀
people all studying then you busy take pictures … hauhauhuauahaa =P
when coming back ??? i want loads and loads of chocolates from you !!! =P
hahahhahaa… ooiii~~ dont like that lar!!! that’s my ONLY entertainment in the library man!! alamakzzz~~
andrew… aiyoorrh… ape lu mao? i buy you chocolates you buy me entry to atmos!! kekekekeke~
alamakzzz ! exams time still thinking of Atmos…
u miss Atmos so much meh ?
teruk lar youuuu….
mauahahaha 😀
if there’s an exam about atmos, she will sure ace it! 😀
LOL… kena shoot kau kau…. hehehe… you do well in exam ok.. hahaha… pity you for being shot kau kau…
damn!! you all CURSED me is it!!!!
eRiCCa, i dun d4r3 to CURSE you lar =(