

damn damn damn~ so many pimples edi!! fark fark fark!! nomore pics gonna be shown here AT THE MOMENT!! too stressed edi… not enough sleep… too heaty… worrying too much…

*awwwww* what a life~~

well, went to have dinner with my auntie, uncle and cousins and also with puishan and alice at Laksa King… but then it was a heavy rain after the dinner, so that my plan to SEXPO was then failed~~ argh… gotta go tomorrow!!! =)

just had a chat with my mom just now… haha, she was so worried about me till smsing me everyday and calling me everyday… i mean RECENTLY~~!! i have been telling her how stressed i am… then we were talking about “whether i should transfer back to study in kl” this question has been running in my mind again and again… but, i still cant make a decision… *haiihhhzzz*

8 replies on “Pimples…”

pimples good… only young ppl get pimples… i envy you. 😛
transfer back to kl? what for? if financially is not a problem, you should experience life in other countries.

and… sexpo??? COOL! do take some pics!!!

hrmm … if no financial problem and you’re not having a tough life there then why transfer back … i envy u le … can go overseas and live by yourself !!! =(( =P hehhee

hrmmm then try your best to not fail la …. then no need to retake so no need waste another few thousands lo … but the decision is up to you… there are the advantages and disadvantages for coming back and stay there. so it’s really up to you !

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