*phew* another half day in library!! and hey, today is a memorable day man!! where i ate my VERY FIRST mcD meal in melbourne thi afternoon as LUNCH!! hm… but actually i did eat the breakfast ONCE on the first day i arrived, then nomore after that till today!! *wooohooo~~*
oh yea, i am now waiting to go to SEXPO SEXPO SEXPO~~ waiting for pics? hahaha… good… MAN MAN WAIT~~ hehehehehehee… then after sexpo i am heading to CLAYTON for BBQ~~~ yeah~~~ *yummie* hopefully there is SOMEONE to bbq everything for me then i will just EAT when i reach there… *muahahahhaahah~*
oklar… some PIMPLES pics…
bored… =(
me and my CORP LAW~ =)
7 replies on “Corp Law my Last Hope…”
now where is the pimple? come come.. where’s the pimple.. it’s no where to be found.
i can see SOME
hehe =P
hehe… not obvious lar.. i want to see those big big wan =P
hahahahaha… if got BIG BIG one ar… sure i wont show edi~~!!!! slow slow wait lar…!!
suddenly i feel like being the australian cooperation legislation 2004 book… kekeke =P
ah… there they are… my old friend mr and mrs pimples…
wahahahahahhahahaah~~ bobo… you wait ar…
fred: yerrr… can ask your stoopid friends to FARK OFF or not?