

终於, 我明白了什么是”心灰意冷”, 已经无力以对…
我更清楚什么是”浪费”, 因为你不曾珍惜…
也感受到”透不过气”, 真的呼吸困难…

但是, 我就是不懂…

为….. 什….. 么….. 我….. 还….. 是….. 放….. 不….. 下….. ?

因为你, 我的生活变得…

我不能再继续了… *headache, cry and take a rest*

9 replies on “我恨你…”

CacA….there is nothing tat u cannot let go …. giv som times to ur heart…it need to rest ….dont think bout those unwanted…if really appear ….giv it a smile….and let it be the happy memory of urs…..

try to accept sumone tat maybe u think is impossible…frens can by ur side for yrs…but not forever…they hav to get married one day..they hav their path to walk….but they are willing to heal ur sickness….in ut heart…get along wiv them more…and the world will seems brighter…..

damn i talk too much…..sorry ler…boring words…cause i just bang my 17″ monitor on the floor and spoil it…!! sad..T_T..

hey cuz,what u talking abt?who is that “ni” you talking abt?if “ni” really made you feel this way, i dont think it’s worth feeling anything for that “ni”. It’s never worth falling for someone who doesnt know how to appreciate what you do / feel for him/her. Get on with your life, be happy, be energenic, be proactive, leave all the “ni” issues behind, you have already done enough,if “ni” doesnt know how to appreciate it, it’s “ni” ’s loss!
Be happy ok Ericca!! We all love you! Very Much!! ^_^

Sometimes,there is sth u need to make an end to make urself let go…Guys,she is waiting for the chance..At this moment,let’s gib her the best blessing..wish the “ni” come out as soon as possible to clarify everything so that ericca will lead a happy life soon.. Those wat u guys said in the comment,ericca sure understands it by herself,now she jus need to make an end..ericcaj,GOD BLESS YOU 🙂

hmmm… okokok… thanks everyone…
i know what i want and what to do…
i need time…
and also… i am just too stressed lar!!!
i mean… my poor lil life… =(

my dear…mo matter how much pain he put u through, u hav the right and capability to end this.

of course, it takes loads of courage, energy n time to do so. however, if u choose to do nothing, it’ll hurt even more, isnt it? stop hoping for something dat won’t happen. push him out of ur life!

its hard to forget a person, so don’t push urself too hard. u’ll get over with him eventually. time heals and life goes on… *hugz*

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