well… was supposed to sign up for a home contents insurance today to protect things in the house… but then… i saw a mouse in the house running in the kitchen last night… and just because of this… they wanna move out again…
i seriously no idea… moving, not moving, and moving… basically i dont really wanna move out… moving out to the city is far away from uni… i really dont know how to imagine myself going home after 8pm class… it’s kinda scary in the night… and also the expenses gonna be doubled if staying in the city… and let’s think about the contract for this house… we are responsible for the rental till next year’s march and if we insist moving out, we are still responsible till the next tenant moves in… so, in other words, we gotta pay 2 sides rent till someone moves in!! but… it seems like they are thinking of RUNNING AWAY from this… man… i am scared… i dowan to be jailed… =(
2 replies on “Moving Out Again…?”
Just because of one mouse and everyone is running? Hire pest control once and keep the place properly lor.
mouse oni ma …….
u’re lucky u don’t have RATS