hahahaha… it’s the final decision now!! we already confirmed that we are not moving out edi… and we already paid for home contents insurance, bought alarms and all… well… we are making this house more and more secured~ =)
let’s pray for nothing’s gonna happen again oorhh~~
hmmm… i am happy today!! heehhehee… bought myself another 2 more crystals… ekekekekeke… dont know why i like crystals so much now, i always hoping for some magical power from the crystals and always thinking that i have not enough crystals… so i need more and more and more… wkakakakakakkakaaka~~~ *crystal, crystal show me your power, bless me bless me… give me more luck~~*
and also another thing… i am farking getting fatter and farking fatter~~~!!! ooopsss… did i swear too much? =P sorrie lar… i am so annoyed with the fatter and fatter myself!! ahduhh~~~ can someone grab all my food please? *thankiew*
5 replies on “Not Moving Out edi…”
fatter= pig>?
Betta figure out a suitable place for the crystals, might bring you good feng shui later. LoL! 😛
eeeeeeee… like where?
alarm = useless IMHO, get a dog.