
My Path…

really busy recently, not physically but mentally though… had been waiting for results… now they are out… 1 failed after all… but the problem is… ONLY ONE BLARDEE SUBJECT!! and i will need to stay for another semester? i really really dont wish to… been googling for information… hoping to do it in malaysia and still obtain an australian degree… no result yet…

alice is real good… she can do both her electives in malaysia for summer and then ALL DONE!!!!

awwwwwwwwwwwww… i need more luck!!

anyway, i need something sweet… like this…

yea… i had it yesterday… it was yummie…

[updated]i tell you what, NEVER EVER enrol into VU!! VU SUCKS!! seriously sucks!! they dont give NearPass… they dont have Supplementary paper… they have nothing!! failed = failed… they never wanna help!! they are money sucker!! i cant imagine what’s the failing rate for AMA, 9 people that i know who taking this subject, including me… 7 failed… only 2 who passed… *knnccbtnshkc*

10 replies on “My Path…”

i remember i used to makan choki choki during class in form 4 and 5…. dun care bout the teacher juz makan chocolate LOL

you dont be crazy… i not that disgusting… somemore i went with 2 gentlemen… KEKE… must pretend a bit bit also… cannot be so sat lai one… HAHHAHAHA~

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