fuiyoorrhh… be proud of yourself!! first time in my life screwing someone so openly in my blog… yooohooo~~~ you get it the FIRST PRIZE man!! ok… introduction now… he is bgeh, his name is Brian Geh, he is a KID but an adult wannabe, and he is an op in LYN’s DC++ Hub… and he thinks that he is SO FUCKING MATURED, SO FUCKING SMART, and SO FUCKING POWDERFUL with his ULTIMATE OP power given by dont know who… i seriously wonder who the hell on earth gave him the OP man… misusing his power all the time…
ok, basically, LYN’s DC++ Hub is a file sharing and chatting medium…
and yea, i do share files and what’s wrong with CHATTING now… chatting means we can talk whatever we want lar… *deng* he must have failed his english…
basically, i DAMN dulan him as in he said that i am CHILDISH… yea, i am… but at least, i ACT childish most of the time… and i pity him for being childish ALL THE TIME just because HE IS CHILDISH and he is an adult wannabe… but hey, stop it man! stop acting like a MAN, you are still a BOY! please lar, not only ME, people in hub agree that you are a KID, admit it please… i dont have contribution, right? and yea, so you contributed HELL DAMN A LOT huh… with your DOTA, with your JAY’s songs, with your CARYN, with your SHERYL… *awwwwwwwwww so much* sau pei lar you, you think sheryl as a pretty girl, a smart girl, a matured girl will like such a nerdy boy, a childish boy like you… *burp* you must be kidding me… =)
i think i will just DE-OP you if i can… it’s such a DISGRACE to have you as an op man… yucks… only know how to whine, dota, get moody, misuse power… *vomit* but hey, i wont do so, just because i wont misuse my power for inappropriate reasons… like YOU!!
here are some logs… click to read the full logs…
he honestly thinks that i was the most childish VIP in the hub and it’s a shame, so i shouldnt be a VIP anymore… *and i think he is also the most childish OP in the hub and it’s a shame as well, he shouldnt be an OP anymore*
SOMEONE thinks that he is a kid too, KIDDO!
misusing his powder… and a HERO wannabe, a kepoh… note1: seagates is an OP too, but he didnt do anything… note2: kennylised means whatever you type will be kennylised to censored/improper words…
random examples of bgeh’s contribution *applause*
NEW!! i have supporters here!! HERE HERE HERE!! it seems like not ONLY ME having problem with you… BGEH, go and fucking get yourself educated please… what i mean by educated is… learn how to be a REAL PERSON instead of only reading your idiot books!! learn how to respect and socialise with people!
9 replies on “Brian Geh aka bgeh…”
OMG!!!! This kiddo op ar? die lor the chatroom.
hahahaha… they like lar… i wont be there anymore as long as THIS OP is still there… HAHHAHA~
Aiyah… Most of the OPs and Staff and even Admin in LYN are idiots lah… =.=
Even some of the OPs in there are pissed off at some of the other OPs. They usually argue inside their own secret forum also…
that one i dont care lar… that one takde kena me… HAHHAHA…
Oh, fucking retard behind a computer like me. HAHA!
Ask him to get a life, OP/DEOP bullshit, we have already got over it so many years ago.
eh… remember one thing… we are now ADULTS ok~~!! he is still a KIDDDDDDDDDD!!
now now before you get into the silly insults and stuff, i must remind you that seagates is innocent
heck he was the one that unkennylized you 2 mins after
perhaps you forgot to check it though =)
[00:56] [action] bgeh kennylized eRiCCa
[00:58] [action] SeaGates unkennylized 1 out of 1 users
Haiz.. relax la..Hub without you seem no life leh. Miss ya.
bgeh’s a fucking idiot..
do all the shits just to show that he’s over 18
while its actually the otherwise, they just exposed his own childishness within himself