Another interesting inccident with Connex this morning…
There were platform 1 and platform 2… According to the TV showing the train schedule, platform 1 was going to Blackburn, DIRECT to Blackburn without stopping ANY station in between, it’s like skipping almost 20 stations… While platform 2 was a Glen Waverly train stopping all stations, so everyone was waiting for the RIGHT train at the RIGHT platform…
But, the operator was telling the OPPOSITE thing, which was train from platform 1 was ready to depart to Glan Waverly instead of Blackburn… People started to get panicked… They didn’t know which train to go to, but they had to make the decision as the train was about to depart in seconds… Everyone’s in, door closed, the train was still not departing… In fact, the train on platform 2 departed… And then the door of the platform 1 train opened up, people walked out with ANGER, with swearing… Obviously, wrong train…
I was standing there thinking to myself, wondering if it happened to me, how would I choose, should I refer to the TV or listen to the operator… Imagine those who got on the wrong train that was going DIRECT to Blackburn, that would probably take an hour to reach Blackburn and then another hour back to the city…
Connex, are you OK?