

Cyril the MAGICIAN!! Have you heard of him? He is AMAZING and SCARY!! Well, I don’t really like magics at all, I think they are just some craps or tricks… Till my friend told me about CYRIL… But, I still don’t think it is MAGIC, in fact, I think he is a GHOST!!!

His MAGICS are not like those STAGE magics, where this you can touch and see it yourself… Further more, he can perform MAGICS with someone else’s hands…

I think he is freaky, I hope someone can tell me that it is just some VERY TERROR tricks, I just don’t want to scare myself by thinking that he is a ghost…

Watch this on YouTube
Cyril moving salt dispenser through glass table…

Watch this on YouTube
Cyril’s floating chopsticks and shadow hands…

Watch this on YouTube

Cyril eating a hamburger from a poster…

If you want to watch more, just search for “Cyril magic” on YouTube…

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