

Answer? – Unknown –

Been quite a few times when my mom told me that HE has been meeting up with my brothers, I thought I would want to know why, what and how… But, I didn’t ask a question, in fact, I ignored… But, it seems that I want to know something, but I just don’t want to ask, or scared to know? Or maybe I really don’t want to know… Seriously, the answer is UNKNOWN. I don’t even know what I want…

Quite a few people asked me, will I get back together with him IF there is a chance… Seriously, again, UNKNOWN. I really can’t tell. I might, and I might not.

I feel like I’m an ostrich, I just want to hide, I don’t want to know, I don’t want to ask, I don’t want to think…

2 replies on “Unknown…”

u may hv the answer but u r too affraid to face the truth. look deep inside ur heart, there is always an answer there, face the truth with open heart. that’s faith. cheers!

seek the unknown..and you shall find the answer. Hiding head like ostrich in the sand is not going to solve any problem.

If you do think its not worth be here anymore; move on. the tail spin from the past is always there and nothing you can do. Just look ahead; don’t look back.

take a break from all this and be single; see if you can stand long enough on your own. =)

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