

i am back!! no mood… another paper is certified! crazy and i am dead!! thinking… what can i work as if i quit studying huh? haiihzzz… open book is not good actually, you wont have enough time to flip over those pages and you wont even know where to start from… and books and notes are too many till you wont even have space to put your things and write properly… and the shittie part is… answers are not found in the book… haiiihhzzz… should i go to get a MC now, and apply for special consideration to resit the paper?

somemore i didnt sleep well last night… brain was functioning like a snail… and mommie told me that facing the computer for long hours can cause the brain to move slower, cannot concentrate well… and… alcohol can kill brain cells… wahlaoo… i think it’s time for me to die edi, since my brain is USELESS edi!!!!! what am i waiting for… see me if you still can see me… miss me if you cant see me anymore…

想哭 來試探自己麻痺了沒
全世界 好像只有我疲憊
無所謂 反正難過就敷衍
走一回 但願絕望和無奈遠走高飛

我&#30340#30340;世界將被摧毀 也許事與願違
我的世界將被摧毀 或許頹廢也是另一種美

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