wooohooo… i am back, and i am so happy~~~ ahahha… dont get me wrong yea… i just got back from Fitness First!! 1… 2… 3… 7… 9… *lost count* i really no idea when was my last visit to FF edi… very long lar!! at least, i had already missed 2 sessions of personal training lar!! i paid for 3 sessions and only went ONCE!! and now all gone edi… what the hell!! meaning more than 2 weeks i didnt go to FF edi… oh no… wasted my monthly fees somemore… there you go my 60bucks!! *arrrrghhhzzz*
so i decided to go after the dumb assignment!! woohooo… enjoyed so much… and i saw my DEAN there, my lengjaiz personal trainer *nah* he is not that lengjaiz lar… but then i didnt wanna see him!! coz i FFKed him twice of the appointments… shiiiaatt… hopefully he didnt see me and couldnt recognise me… *hide* then i enjoyed my STEAM so much~~~ was sitting there with my eyes closed, dreaming of something… so nice~~ then went to a great shower!! ahaha… really took long time to shower!! and… oh yea, in the changing room, can really see BOOBS here and there, i cant imagine that i can do it one day… they can just taking off theirs bras and slipping off their panties while talking to each other… *wooohooo, respect* and i cant… =( they have big boobs to show off… i gotta hide myself… but the good thing is, everyone is doing the same thing, nobody will stare at you… haha…
oh yea… let’s look at the following pics… =)
hahahaha… my floor after the corp law assignment war… fulled with notes… =P
the stoopid PIRATED THAI POCKY!! i thought it was the ORIGINAL JAPANESE POCKY!! they look the same!! but the taste BIG DIFFERENCE!! i wanna sue them!! conned my money and also made me sad+disappointed… coz i thought i could eat my favourite Pocky!!
9 replies on “Relax!!!”
haha! u also dumb one.. theres not even a japanese word on the package la … haha! hmmmm.. wowww.. is it ar? means u go for one personal training on thursday then u gotta every thursday for 3 weeks? i tot u make appointment everytime for a session haha.. shits.. my personal training will start tomorrow hehe at 7pm haha.. i hope i wont miss any la.. hehe ciaoz babehs!
i made it everytime lar!!!!!!!
but then the 2nd time was late…
then the 3rd time was yesterday, and i forgot about it!!
hehe…good initiative to work out…lets see how strong ur determination is…hmm u got a camera phone there?take some pics of the room leh…hehe >_
huh…?? my phone can take pics but cannot upload to comp… dont know why…
i can use webcam to take… hehee… =P
but… dak han sin~~
i always go to fitness first wheni am FREE one, coz 2 mins walking distance only… but these days very busy!! no time!!
Do you have bluetooth doogle? Oh i want pictures too so that i can post post post!! haha.. to somewhere.. hehehe
?? ape tu?? takde lar!!
bluetooth doogle is device for you to connect your computer with your bluetooth phone if your phone is using bluetooth lar.. hehe
i not using BT phone how i got that thingie??
hahaha… then buy cable lor