
I’ve been TAGGED…

hehehehe… after so long, it’s time to reply the TAGS by Zoe… else, she will KILL me soon~~!! hahahaha… but then… Dear Zoe, please dont tag me anymore, i’m lazy~ =P

First Tag:

If I could be a scientist
If I could be a farmer
If I could be a musician
If I could be a doctor
If I could be a painter
If I could be a gardener
If I could be a missionary
If I could be a chef
If I could be an architect
If I could be a linguist
If I could be a psychologist
If I could be a librarian
If I could be an athlete
If I could be a lawyer
If I could be an innkeeper
If I could be a professor
If I could be a writer
If I could be a llama-rider
If I could be a bonnie pirate
If I could be a service member
If I could be a photographer
If I could be a philanthropist
If I could be a rap artist
If I could be a child actor
If I could be a secret agent
If I could be a comedian/comedienne
If I could be a priest
If I could be a radio announcer
If I could be a phlebotomist
If I could be Paris Hilton’s stylist
If I could be a movie producer
If I could be the CEO of Microsoft
If I could be an astronaut
If I could be a world famous blogger
If I could be a justice on any one court in the world
If I could be married to any current famous political figure
If I could be a dog trainer

If I could be a chef… i would invent this Ericca’s Fried Rice which is WITHOUT EGG!! so then these people in the HUB would stop teasing me for cooking ‘FRIED RICE WITHOUT EGG = dont know how to cook’!!

If I could be a world famous blogger… i would not be blogging anymore… hahhahaha… this would just grab everyone to interrupt in my life… leave me alone!!

If I could be a writer… i would start writing my LOVE STORIES since my very first love story in KINDERGARDEN and so on and on… i am sure this would rape many TEARS!!

Second Tag:

Total volume of music files on my computer: 966

The last CD I bought was: well, i seldom buy CDs, so i could clearly remember it… it was the Daniel Chan’s CD titled “感覺貼心” in 1998 if i am not mistaken… that was when i REALLY REALLY in love with him… hahahhaa… *childish* but… i cant deny that he is very CUTE!! =)

Song playing right now: No song, i usually dont listen to any song when i am doing something… i just cant concentrate…

Five songs I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me:
basically i listen to the songs randomly played in my winamp… and i think… they are all nice and meaningful…

Five people to whom I am passing the baton:
Joyce, my cousin in KL
Candy, my cousin in Canada
Hayanna, a Korean Lenglui in KL
BoBo, a member from BabyLand, but he is VERY naughty now!!
Danny, a Malaysian in Melbourne

5 replies on “I’ve been TAGGED…”

hahahaa… okokok… you have been tagged…
means you gotta follow i have done above… copy all the ‘if i could be…’ then you choose of the above to finish up the sentences…
then for the 2nd tag, answer the 4 questions there about MUSIC… then tag five people… means the five people gotta do the same thing again…
it’s something like a CHAINED BLOG~ =P

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