
holly shit….malaysia Uni student like nth compare 2 china..

2day dunno y ericca so fierce ask little thing also like chopping me!!!

i juz finish watching a conference from china Beijing Uni….i was like waoh!!! even a music school uni student can have such knowledge in politic and economy…and guess wat she is juz a music school student…..from this moment, i only found out the differences within chinese and malaysian chinese…..eventhough Beijing Uni is the top Uni in china…. hell….i guess 90% of malaysian student dun even hav a rough idea of politic and economy…..b4 this i always feel like i m alien bcz only those uncle , dad and me will discuss politic and economy or even history but finally i found theres ppl out there share the same interest with me….b4 this my fren thought i m juz craping with all these issues…lol……as a result….china goes stronger and malaysia always b the same……cheers….!!!

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